Recursos digitais, AVA e o diálogo teórico-prático no ensino de ciências naturais

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Menuzzi, Marcelo Botelho Gonçalves Arruda
Mizukami, Maria da Graca Nicoletti
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Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
Reali, Aline Maria de Medeiros Rodrigues
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The student, who decades ago was formed on a traditional education process is the current teacher facing a rampant technological change. It's essential for this professional, therefore, to appropriate methodologies and technological tools, turning them into part of the educational process in which the student learns and practices and, with these, investigates and decodes the surrounding environment. In order to achieve it, it was necessary to examine how the use of digital learning resources allows the student to conduct the dialogue between theory and prac-tice, mediated by the educator. This research, of qualitative nature, is relevant by offering the-orical-scientific support to the science teacher about using digital resources in practical lab clas-ses, in order to promote the dialogue with the theory. The use of these tools allows the student to deeply interact with the objects. Education needs to happen on a democratic and progressive way, with the participation of technology, facilitating the development of the students. Data collection occurred from the processual and gradative assessment of the use, by students of the sixth year of primary school, of digital resources and virtual learning environments during the second half of 2014. The document, as systematized register of data, was all the text production (digital - Wiki and handwritten - reports) resulting from the theoric-practical dialogue over the semester which allowed the analysis. In the process of results discussion, as much as in the theorical rescue through the practical processes, the use of virtual learning platforms has pro-moted positively, on a meaningful and satisfying way, the dialogue between students and brought, in the light of it, the theoric content that embased the productions started with lab research.
recursos digitais , laboratório , ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem , diálogo teórico-prático
Assuntos Scopus
MENUZZI, Marcelo Botelho Gonçalves Arruda. Recursos digitais, AVA e o diálogo teórico-prático no ensino de ciências naturais. 2016. 111 f. Dissertação (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.