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- TeseAprendizagem nas organizações: uma análise de grupos multifuncionais de empresas do ramo automotivoSilva, Marcelo Ribeiro (2013-02-26)
The objective of this thesis is to understand the learning processes that occur in crossfunctional groups in a perspective of Advanced Planning Product Quality (APQP) in automotive companies. The specific objectives seeks to identify and describe the constitution process of cross-functional groups and its relationship to learning; identify and describe the methodologies used inside cross-functional groups and its relationship to learning; identify, describe and discuss the factors that difficult the learning process inside cross-functional groups; identify, describe and discuss the factors that facilitate the learning process of crossfunctional groups and identify, describe and discuss the moments which there was evidence of group and collective learning. The theoretical framework proposed is designed of individual and collective learning developed by Nancy Dixon and team learning from the perspective developed especially in studies of Amy C. Edmondson and colleagues. The field research was developed in a qualitative, descriptive and interpretative way. It is also considered exploratory because the phenomenon of learning in work groups has been a topic that reveals little knowledge accumulated and systematized. Considering that research begins with a contextual-interpretive perspective, was proposed as the method qualitative case-study to observe, explore, interpret, understand and discuss issues related to learning processes. In order to achieve the proposed objectives and answer the research question, respondents were members of cross-functional groups of two distinct organizations (Alfa and Beta), three groups per company, totaling nineteen interviewees. Moreover, the non-participant observation is also a strategy to collect data. In order to structure, organize and analyze the data, was employed the templates analysis method, offered by Nigel King, that consist in the use of a priori codes derived from the theoretical framework. The results showed that, since there is psychological safety established, both team and collective learning occurs when the entire group, converging the members conflicts and discussions on consensus. Furthermore, the learning process is facilitated since the group constitution, mainly due to the mobility of its members, the manager's role as a catalyst of information, working methodologies employed in the two organizations, the Transitive Memory Systems, the "corridors", the practice of consulting the functional areas by its members, the existence of international forums, the actual physical arrangement of the companies surveyed, the moral support practiced in the core community, the investment of financial resources for the development of ideas members, the recognition of the expertise of the members, learning through practice of collective work, the willingness of participants to learning, among others. The indications for future studies encompass elements as macro-organizational culture and meso-organizational diversity and its influence on group learning, which are also limiting aspects of this research. - TeseAprendizagem nas organizações: uma análise em nivel grupal envolvendo situações de trabalho na recepção de um hotelNodari, Luciana Davi Traverso (2009-09-25)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever e analisar os processos de aprendizagem individual e grupal que ocorrem nas situações cotidianas de trabalho no espaço da recepção de hotéis. Esta pesquisa evidencia a aprendizagem nos grupos de trabalho, não esquecendo, todavia, que ela depende da aprendizagem individual para produzir efeito na aprendizagem organizacional. A investigação foi realizada por meio do estudo de caso qualitativo aplicado no espaço da recepção de um hotel de médio porte da cidade de Porto Alegre, no Rio Grande do Sul. Como estratégias de pesquisa, foram utilizadas entrevistas com roteiros semiestruturados, a observação participante e a análise de documentos. Os dados coletados foram analisados por intermédio do processo de análise textual interpretativa, auxiliados pela elaboração de templates. O grupo de funcionários pesquisado, composto por sete recepcionistas e três auxiliares de recepção, apresenta, no geral, baixo nível de escolaridade. Foram aprendendo as atividades no estabelecimento e se acostumando a essa realidade de tal forma que se acomodaram com as situações e com as atividades que realizam. O aprendizado das atividades desempenhadas pelos funcionários do espaço da recepção acontece, predominantemente, pela aprendizagem informal. São identificadas poucas mudanças no setor, e os modelos mentais individuais prevalecem na resolução dos problemas. As decisões são centralizadas pela direção, e os funcionários não buscam nem recebem informações que permitam a criação de novos significados. Como resultado desse contexto, percebe-se que a aprendizagem em grupo no ambiente pesquisado apresenta mais barreiras do que aspectos facilitadores para seu desenvolvimento. - TeseAprendizagem social para sustentabilidade no ensino superior: um estudo em cursos de administração de empresasMello, Andreza Sampaio de (2014-08-14)
Some business schools have lived the insertion of the theme sustainability in their curricula, worrying about promoting, in future administrators‟ education, the discussion about sustainability issues in this level of teaching. The objective of this research is to understand how the social learning process works for sustainability concerning two business administration courses. It adopts a theoretical reference that articulates the notion of social learning from authors who study the sustainability thematic, with the ones who investigate learning in organizations. In order to approach this thematic empirically, two case studies that made use of qualitative methodologies in their data collecting and analysis process were developed. Data collecting was performed in two private higher education institutions in the city of São Paulo, specifically in business administration courses. It evolved the exam of the institutions official documents as well as two kinds of interviews: (a) individual, with courses teacher and coordinators, (b) in groups: with students. After the interviews were performed and transcribed, data were analyzed by means of interpretative textual analysis process as well as templates. In a first moment, the analysis of the cases was made separately, but, a comparison item is presented as follows. The main results reveal that worrying about sustainability questions is highlighted in the objective and the focus of the business administration courses from both institutions researched, highlighting entrepreneurship. From the courses coordinators as well as professors testimonies it is possible to identify two great challenges that are present in the effort of integrating this theme in the process of futures business administrators education. The first one is about the adoption of an interdisciplinary approach in the proposal development and effectiveness process established in the pedagogical projects. The second one is associated with the formative process itself that, eventhough examines and discusses the sustainability theme, it reveals an individualized and fragmented treatment of the curricular actions for the theme development. Even though data show the use by the professors of diversified classroom strategies, what may give an idea of a less mechanic teaching, it is possible to infer, from the results found that professors seem to use those strategies worrying about instrumental issues in the sense of adapting the traditional management model to the perspective from the sustainability paradigm. In both institutions, it is possible to perceive that there is receptivity to the theme and that they offer resources as well as support for their strengthening in the studied courses. However, it is possible to understand that both institutions worry about marketing and search a differential in their courses concerning sustainability. The most frequent learning social processes used for sustainability approach among coordinators and professors in both institutions were: learning from sharing ideas and experiences inside the institution and learning from sharing ideas and experiences with other institutions. The content about sustainability most evidenced in the students testimonies from both institutions is that sustainability encompasses other aspects than the environmental ones. The reference used to analyze and interpret the results found showed that it is possible to understand both theoretical perspectives proposed with complementary and useful approaches for reflecting about questions evolved in the insertion of the sustainability thematic in the business administration courses. - TeseIngredientes da Aprendizagem Social: um estudo na cozinha de um restaurante da grande São PauloFonseca, Sérgio Ademar (2013-11-19)
This study aimed to seek answers to the following research question "How does the learning process of professional from a kitchen of a restaurant occurs, what are the elements which characterizes it as social learning and what is the role of the Head Chef in this process?". To be able to answer the question, a general objective was established to perform the description and interpretation of social learning processes present in the work of professionals in the kitchen of a restaurant in the metropolitan Sao Paulo area. Three specific objectives were also established: a) to describe the workplace and show the daily activities of the professionals working at the kitchen, b) identify and analyze work and learning processes adopted by the professionals mentioned, and c) to interpret the learning occurring in the workplace studied by the lens of social learning theory of Bente Elkjær and theoretical elements presented by Antonio Strati and John Dewey in relation to aesthetics in organizations. To find elements that could represent answers to the research question it were used ethnographic research techniques based on indications of André (1999). I remained in the field for 14 months, in total it was 62 days of participant observation, 1,156 photos were taken, 363 vídeos recorded with total duration of 12:48:15 hours, 11 in-depth interviews were conducted with every professional from the investigated kitchen, totaling 23:06:58 hours of recording material and 614 pages of transcriptions. For the organization of the final text I brought to the text narratives present both in the speeches of the participants, images were also used, as well as field diary notes and photographs. The text was organized through the narratives shared by the participants in based on Riessman (2008). I analyzed the elements and ingredients that made possible understanding the lessons learned through the Theory of Social Learning from Bente Elkjær. Sense and sensations activities present in the investigated material were analyzed by elements present in the work related to aesthetics from Antonio Strati and John Dewey. Based on the data analysis it was possible to answer the research question: learning at the professional kitchen occurs due to the presence and due to the shared common goals in the social world they belong to. They are the results of experiences, thoughts, habits and transactions in which they engage in their daily lives. The chef has a key role to share his knowledge and encourage the learning process with each member of his kitchen brigade, offering them the opportunity to perform new tasks, new elements to savor, to develop their senses and fully live the sensations found in each of the preparations that the group is involved. In addition to these roles, he has an obligation to govern with perfection the brigade, enabling each member to reach the acme of perfection in the execution of their work offering everyone the chance to taste each learning ingredient present in the social world of the kitchen. - TeseNarrativas de aprendizagem em uma comunidade de práticaZaccarelli, Laura Menegon (2011-08-18)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo compreender o processo de aprendizagem que ocorre no ambiente organizacional de uma empresa júnior à luz do conceito de comunidade de prática. O arcabouço teórico partiu do estudo pioneiro de Lave e Wenger (1991) recorrendo ainda aos trabalhos posteriores de Wenger (1998) e Wenger, McDermott e Snyder (2002). A revisão da literatura nacional e internacional sobre comunidade de prática, feita a partir de periódicos da área de administração, enfatizou a produção dos últimos dez anos. Ela mostrou que o conceito representou uma importante contribuição para o entendimento do caráter social da aprendizagem, sendo aplicado desde o âmbito de pequenos grupos, organizações nacionais e multinacionais até redes de negócios ou serviços. Foi utilizado como uma abordagem analítica de aprendizagem e instrumental, concebendo a possibilidade de cultivo de comunidades de prática. Neste trabalho, desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso em uma empresa júnior de uma universidade particular, fundada há cerca de vinte anos. A empresa júnior é uma associação sem fins lucrativos, criada e conduzida por graduandos do curso de administração de empresas. Busca preparar seus integrantes para o mercado de trabalho, oferecendo serviços de consultoria para micro e pequenas empresas. Utilizando as narrativas presentes em dados documentais, diários solicitados, entrevistas e dados de observação não-sistemática foi constituída uma caracterização da empresa júnior e das histórias compartilhadas de aprendizagem de seus integrantes, desde a entrada até a saída da empresa. Os dados foram analisados, com a abordagem da análise temática de narrativas (Riessman, 2008). A partir dos dados pode-se afirmar que a empresa investigada constitui-se em uma comunidade de prática, podendo ser observadas a participação periférica legítima e o curriculum de aprendizagem que são peculiares desta abordagem. Os processos de aprendizagem incluem observação dos mais experientes, indagações, receber e dar feedbacks, tendo papel central a aprendizagem que ocorre por meio dos relacionamentos, tanto em projetos internos como externos, com colegas, professores da universidade, empresários de outras empresas juniores e empresários do mercado. Conclui-se que a abordagem de comunidades de prática é útil na compreensão da aprendizagem em organizações, mas pode ser complementada com outros elementos teóricos. Neste sentido examinou-se ainda o tipo de aprendizagem e seus resultados, discutiu-se a necessidade de dar maior ênfase aos aspectos individuais visando complementar a teoria de comunidades de prática e por fim, considerou-se importante destacar e analisar os processos reflexivos presentes na empresa objeto de estudo. O uso de diários solicitados mostrou-se promissor na investigação da aprendizagem em organizações, mesmo que por períodos restritos de tempo. Sugere-se também maior precisão no uso do termo comunidade de prática e a realização de novos estudos empíricos que ampliem a compreensão da aprendizagem como fenômeno social no âmbito das empresas juniores. - TeseO processo de aprendizagem coletiva e o uso da tecnologia em agências de viagens: contribuições dos estudos baseados em prática e da etnometodologiaBispo, Marcelo de Souza (2011-06-16)
The demands on organizations for innovation and change in order to survive in a hyper-competitive environment suggest new ways of thinking "what is" to learn and to know, that seems to go beyond what is available in books, textbooks, classrooms and companies training rooms. We must try to understand how people learn from each other in everyday life,from the social interactions that transcend the formal processes used by organizations. This effort requires looking at organizations as symbolic fields in which people live in constant interaction mediated by language building meaning to their everyday activities (HATCH;YANOW, 2003). According to this perspective it is possible to understand the organization as a place of learning and knowledge generation, permeated by negotiation and continued exchange among its members and artifacts, especially the technological ones, which share the same environment (BRUNI, 2005; BRUNI; GHERARDI; PAROLIN, 2007, SUCHMAN et al., 1999). Valtonen (2009) points out that micro and small tourism enterprises have a range of possibilities to be investigated and epistemological qualities that enable relevant research, unlike what occurs predominantly in the research on the Administration field, where such organizations are seen as displaying a "knowledge vacuum" or being unable to adopt efficient systems of knowledge management. In this sense Valtonen (2009) points out that small companies in the tourism sector contribute to a distinct way of knowledge generation,particularly when the focus is on a more practical knowledge. This research adopted as a guiding question how the process of collective learning of using information and communication technologies, particularly the Internet, while labor practice in a travel agency occurs. The main objective of the research was to understand the process of collective learning of technology use as a practice in travel agencies. In this perspective, Practice-based Studies (PBS) is seen as an option to debate, discuss and understand the collective and nonformal learning processes in organizations (NICOLINI; GHERARDI; YANOW, 2003;GHERARDI, 2001, 2006). To Gherardi (2006) such an understanding allows working with the phenomena in a situated form, whereas the temporality and historicity have significant value to a better understanding of social worlds. Also according to the author, this way of thinking about organizations value what she regards as knowing-in-practice , i.e., that knowledge is situated as a social, human, material, aesthetic, emotional and ethical process.Ethnomethodology was used as an empirical research strategy for conducting this study which was carried out in three travel agencies belonging to the same company during a period of seven months. The main findings concern to how the use of technology as a practice influences the organizing, sales and management processes inside the researched company and the main conclusion is that collective learning is not the extrapolation of learning at the individual level - TeseO processo de aprendizagem e as culturas organizacionais em restaurantes étnicosFerreira, Jorge Flavio (2010-08-26)
Este estudo foi orientado por uma questão básica: como as pessoas que trabalham em restaurantes aprenderam e aprendem as práticas de trabalho necessárias ao funcionamento do negócio? Para atender aos objetivos da pesquisa foi utilizada a estratégia do estudo de caso qualitativo, adotando-se um enfoque descritivo e interpretativo, e complementarmente foram coletadas histórias de vida dos sujeitos envolvidos no espaço social examinado. Foram realizadas análises textuais interpretativas, complementadas pela abordagem de templates. Os resultados revelam treze categorias de aprendizagem informal envolvendo as brigadas de cozinha e de salão de três restaurantes de um Club alemão, em São Paulo, das quais oito podem ser consideradas singulares. Também se obteve como resultado um conjunto de habilidades cognitivas, relacionais e manuais relativas aos trabalhadores dos restaurantes. Mediante as histórias de vida foi possível descortinar as culturas organizacionais que são o pano de fundo para a ocorrência das aprendizagens. O trabalho no Club revela a predominância da perspectiva de integração. Esta pesquisa contribui para a teoria da aprendizagem organizacional e para o desvelar das culturas organizacionais em restaurantes, sob a ótica interpretacionista. - TeseProcessos de aprendizagem no contexto da economia solidária: um estudo baseado no interacionismo interpretativoGarcia, Edilene de Oliveira Pereira (2015-01-01)
This study aims to understand the processes of learning in the context of the solidarity economy. The participants are entrepreneurs belonging to the Association of Craftsman and Artists of Diadema (Sao Paulo - Brazil). The research question is "how the learning processes of cooperation, self-management, solidarity and economic action are developed by entrepreneurs of solidarity economy belonging to an association of craftsmen in order to act in this type of economy? ". The overall objective is to identify, describe and analyze how they develop the learning processes of cooperation, self-management, solidarity and economic action. Specific aims are to identify who are the subjects of learning (how they are defined and where they are located), why they learn (the reasons that lead to learning), what they learn (what are the contents and what are the outcomes of learning) and how they learn (what are the key actions of the learning processes). This is a critical qualitative and interpretative study which theoretical framework is composed of two approaches: interpretive interactionism (Denzin, 2001) and social learning theory (Elkjaer, 2003). These approaches converge and put the experiences undergone by people in their everyday life as starting points for understanding social phenomena. The field research is contextualized from the concepts and landmarks presented by Singer (2002), França-Filho (2007), Lechat (2002), Gaiger (2003) and Silva (2011) and the Ministry of Labor and Employment of Brazil (BRAZIL, 2012). Interpretive interactionism is also used to guide the methodological procedures. The organization chosen to carry out the research was the Association of Craftsman and Artists of Diadema (São Paulo Brazil). It represents an opportunity to enter a field that today is little explored in studies of organizational learning. To capture the phenomenon eight interviews were conducted with seven craftswoman and with the president of the Association. The recorded material and transcripts originated life histories of thick description. The analysis of recurring features of life histories led to the recognition of five instances where there are the learning experiences of interaction - and the epiphanies which directly or indirectly lead to the learning of cooperation, self-management, solidarity and economic action. These instances are: the family, the individual, the other , the entity of social economy and local government . Learning processes as identified and analyzed in this study considers the influence of power operating in the context. In this sense, it was found that, under the AAAPD, the learning processes of the basic elements of solidarity economy remains tied to local government initiatives and strategies. The entity maintains strong dependency relationship with local government what constitutes the main difficulty in conducting its activities and disseminating, experiencing and manifesting collectively the principles of solidarity economy. This study helps to increase knowledge about learning in different organizational contexts from those of traditional private economy and the impact of social environments in these processes. It also serves as a reference for the use of interpretive interactionism as a theoretical-methodological approach in studies in the field of organizational learning. - TeseProcessos de aprendizagem organizacional na formulação e implementação de estratégiasCaldeira, Adilson (2008-02-26)
This study considered the question: How do strategy formulation and implementation happen, which is the contribution of that process to organizational learning development and through what means learning affects the evolution of new strategies formulation and implementation in the organization? A qualitative research was conducted by means of a single case study approach, using interviews, documental analysis and non-participant observation conducted at Petrobras. After presenting the history of company and its strategic planning process, the study discusses how managers see their learning when formulating and implementing strategies, considering four main categories: external and internal environment analysis and resultant learning; strategy formulation and resultant learning; strategy implementation and resultant learning; learning barriers and facilitators. The research reveals that managers see strategy formulation and implementation as a way to provide learning. They also believe that outcoming learning contributes to company's performance by increasing its ability to formulate and to implement new strategies. As a single case study, the research cannot explain all organization behavior and activity as it relates to strategy formulation and implementation and organizational learning. However the study provided a first look at the nature and composition of both phenomena - Learning and Strategy - in the context of an organization. - TeseTeoria da troca entre líder liderado (LMX): uma teoria diádica de liderança para a identificação dos aspectos que compõem a interação líder-lideradoAmaral, Derly Jardim do (2007-08-30)
O estudo do comportamento organizacional tem chamado à atenção dos pesquisadores interessados em compreender o fenômeno da liderança exercida nas organizações. A gama de possibilidades que estes estudos apresentam se dá em vários níveis de análise. O propósito deste trabalho foi o de identificar e analisar os fatores que estimulam a construção de relacionamentos no nível diádico. Adotou como referência fundamental a Teoria da Troca entre Líder e Liderado LMX, conhecida, em inglês, como Leader-Member Exchange Theory LMX e ainda não explorada no Brasil. Para a LMX, o relacionamento de alta qualidade é formado a partir da lealdade, do afeto, da contribuição e do respeito profissional, sendo essa uma quarta dimensão recentemente descoberta. Optou-se por utilizar o instrumento elaborado por Liden e Maslyn (1998). Foram adicionadas a esse instrumento assertivas concebidas a partir dos pressupostos da Teoria da Identidade Social e da Teoria da Autocategorização, ambas entendidas na literatura como bases que sustentam a construção do relacionamento diádico. A aplicação do instrumento envolveu uma amostra composta por 255 sujeitos. A análise dos resultados permite afirmar que as dimensões da LMX, exceto a Contribuição, se apresentaram correlacionadas entre si e com as outras variáveis envolvidas no estudo. O agrupamento fatorial obtido indicou que a dimensão Respeito Profissional aglutinou as dimensões da identidade social e da autocategorização, evidenciando que os respondentes se percebem identificados e pertencentes ao círculo mais próximo do líder. Verificou-se que a percepção da qualidade do relacionamento e o gênero dos respondentes foram capazes de discriminar as prioridades dadas à construção desse relacionamento. O mesmo não foi observado no tocante ao tipo de empresa a que o respondente pertence e ao tempo que possuem de relacionamento diádico. Obteve-se, ainda, um modelo estrutural considerado adequado, composto por variáveis formativas e reflexivas. Conclui-se que relacionamentos diádicos de alta qualidade podem influenciar os resultados do desempenho individual, merecendo, por conta disso, atenção e investimento das organizações.