Práticas pedagógicas lúdicas para um aprender significativo no ensino da Matemática
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Graça , Mariana Collet da
Aroma , Adriana Camejo da Silva
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Este trabalho buscou analisar a influência do documento curricular Base
Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), no desenvolvimento de práticas
pedagógicas de caráter lúdico na aprendizagem da numeração entre crianças
do primeiro ano do ensino fundamental. Para isso, além de reconhecer a
bibliografia relevante para o delineamento teórico do problema, buscou-se na
BNCC as ideias sobre o ensino de numeração, a fim de cotejá-las com a
bibliografia levantada. De acordo com Huizinga (2008) a história do jogo misturas e com a história da própria humanidade, por se caracterizar como uma atividade
basilar do comportamento humano. Por outro lado, pode-se encontrar no
documento curricular nacional (BNCC) orientações que apontam a adoção de
estratégias pedagógicas de natureza lúdica, para que os docentes facilitem
aprendizagens de alunos dos anos iniciais na unidade temática Numeração.
Conclui-se que a partir de uma metodologia lúdica, a criança pode vir a
desenvolver estratégias para que consiga desenvolver seu raciocínio,
aprendendo de forma significativa, tornando-se então importante uma adoção
desta metodologia em sala de aula.
This work sought to analyze the influence of the curricular document Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), on the development of playful pedagogical practices in learning numeracy among children in the first year of elementary school. To this end, in addition to recognizing the relevant bibliography for the theoretical delineation of the problem, ideas about teaching numeracy were sought at BNCC, in order to compare them with the bibliography collected. According to Huizinga (2008), the history of the game is mixed with the history of humanity itself, as it is characterized as a fundamental activity of human behavior. On the other hand, guidelines can be found in the national curriculum document (BNCC) that point to the adoption of pedagogical strategies of a playful nature, so that teachers can facilitate learning for students in the initial years in the thematic unit Numeracy. It is concluded that using a playful methodology, children can develop strategies to develop their reasoning, learning in a meaningful way, making it important to adopt this methodology in the classroom.
This work sought to analyze the influence of the curricular document Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), on the development of playful pedagogical practices in learning numeracy among children in the first year of elementary school. To this end, in addition to recognizing the relevant bibliography for the theoretical delineation of the problem, ideas about teaching numeracy were sought at BNCC, in order to compare them with the bibliography collected. According to Huizinga (2008), the history of the game is mixed with the history of humanity itself, as it is characterized as a fundamental activity of human behavior. On the other hand, guidelines can be found in the national curriculum document (BNCC) that point to the adoption of pedagogical strategies of a playful nature, so that teachers can facilitate learning for students in the initial years in the thematic unit Numeracy. It is concluded that using a playful methodology, children can develop strategies to develop their reasoning, learning in a meaningful way, making it important to adopt this methodology in the classroom.
ensino de Matemática , numeração , Base nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) , educação infantil , Ensino Fundamental anos iniciais , teaching mathematics , numeracy , National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) , early childhood education , elementary education , early years