Um estudo sobre a cultura dos animes na cidade de São Paulo através de uma narrativa transmidiática
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Martinho, Bruna Aída Festa
Santos, Carlos Eduardo Sandano
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Desde 1960, com o anime Astro Boy, de Osamu Tezuka, os animes vêm ganhando espaço nas televisões e mídias, o que tem chamado cada vez mais a atenção de Hollywood. Através das plataformas de streaming, como Crunchyroll e Netflix, as animações japonesas se tornam acessíveis às pessoas, aumentando a quantidade de consumidores desse tipo conteúdo. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo produzir uma narrativa transmidiática que utiliza fotografias e vídeos como fio narrativo sobre a cultura dos animes na cidade de São Paulo, apresentando cinco personagens relacionados ao universo otaku. Para a realização da pesquisa, foi necessário estudar sobre a cultura e a história dos animes, os animes no Brasil e as linguagens das redes sociais e das fotografias.
Since 1960, with the anime Astro Boy, by Osamu Tezuka, anime have been gaining space on television and in the media, which has increasingly attracted the attention of Hollywood. Through streaming platforms, such as Crunchyroll and Netflix, Japanese animations become accessible to people, increasing the number of consumers of this type of content. The present work aims to produce a transmedia narrative that uses photographs and videos as a narrative thread about anime culture in the city of São Paulo, presenting five characters related to the otaku universe. To carry out the research, it was necessary to study the culture and history of anime, anime in Brazil and the languages of social networks and photographs.
Since 1960, with the anime Astro Boy, by Osamu Tezuka, anime have been gaining space on television and in the media, which has increasingly attracted the attention of Hollywood. Through streaming platforms, such as Crunchyroll and Netflix, Japanese animations become accessible to people, increasing the number of consumers of this type of content. The present work aims to produce a transmedia narrative that uses photographs and videos as a narrative thread about anime culture in the city of São Paulo, presenting five characters related to the otaku universe. To carry out the research, it was necessary to study the culture and history of anime, anime in Brazil and the languages of social networks and photographs.
O trabalho foi aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
anime , Otaku , jornalismo , redes sociais , transmídia