Remanescentes de áreas verdes: usos urbanos e serviços ecossistêmicos: o caso do parque da fonte em São Paulo/SP

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Martines, Iaci Morata
Campos Neto, Candido Malta
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Mariano, Cássia Regina
Robba, Fábio
Bruna, Gilda Collet
França, Elisabete
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This dissertation presents, through extensive research, issues related to the urban environment that can support the conservation of the remaining green areas, conceptualizing your importance to the quality of life and the resilience of cities, on environmental changes. It is a reflective research, multidisciplinary character with issues related to the urban environment and green areas, which seeks to explore some new concepts that help architects and urbanists in the construction of new roads propositional. To achieve this objective is a collection of data in various fields of science, who study the behavior of cities before your urban reality and environmental ecology (landscape ecology, urban ecology, urban ecosystems and ecosystem services), the geomorphology, the climatology, the hydrology, green infrastructure (urban green infrastructure, green infrastructure system, urban agriculture), ecological urbanism, including a historical compendium of the relationship between the green areas and human societies. Uses as a case study the area of the future Parque da Fonte in São Paulo/SP, a remnant of the green area that has environmental, historical and sociocultural attributes, and it shows in the interweaving of these, with the aid of knowledge raised the possibility of preserving and promoting the local ecosystem, accompanied by the improvement of the living conditions of the whole region and maintenance of own Park area.
ecologia urbana e serviços ecossistêmicos , infraestrutura verde e agricultura urbana , urbanismo ecológico e controle natural de enchentes , sensoriamento remoto e qualidade ambiental
Assuntos Scopus
MARTINES, Iaci Morata. Remanescentes de áreas verdes: usos urbanos e serviços ecossistêmicos: o caso do parque da fonte em São Paulo/SP. 2017. 199 f. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2017.