Dos limites das atribuições da ANEEL
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Duarte, Ana Paula Cordeiro
Tanaka, Sônia Yuriko Kanashiro
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Bagnoli, Vicente
Tura, Marco Antônio Ribeiro
Tura, Marco Antônio Ribeiro
Direito Político e Econômico
This research deals with the limits of the powers of the National Electric Energy Agency ANEEL as authority regulator, in view of the possibility of existence of conflict or divergent decisions on the grounds of the tasks conferred to ANEEL, the other public entities of Public Administration Public indirect and direct. For this purpose, sought to analyze the reasons for the emergence of regulation in Brazil, the rise of regulatory agencies and the purpose for which these ones were created and their development. It also sought to understand the functions performed by regulatory agencies in the exercise of their activities and structure of the electricity sector and the consequent adjustment of the sector and creation of ANEEL, as well as the functions, key activities and assignments of that entity. Finally, a few assignments were analyzed by ANEEL, whose limits are questioned in order to be assignments similar to other ones, which could generate a conflict or divergent decisions on the exercise of the activities and performance of these ones.
ANEEL , limites , atribuições , CADE , Poder Judiciário , licitações , ANEEL , limits , assignments , CADE , Court , bids
Assuntos Scopus
DUARTE, Ana Paula Cordeiro. Dos limites das atribuições da ANEEL. 2015. 191 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2015.