Estudo da síntese de marcador luminescente inorgânico para identificação forense de munição deflagrada
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Soares, Bárbara Figueiredo
Bonturim, Everton
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A identificação dos resíduos de tiro traz importantes informações para uma investigação forense. A forma mais simples de fazer esse reconhecimento é através da incorporação de marcadores luminescentes às pólvoras. O presente artigo consiste em um estudo de caso que visa analisar e comparar os marcadores luminescentes já existentes na literatura através das propriedades encontradas em suas matrizes, e com isso apresentar a síntese de um material luminescente de dissilicato de estrôncio e magnésio dopado com íons terras raras (Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+, Dy3+) como candidato à um novo marcador para projétil. Este material luminescente possui características como a intensidade de luminescência e a duração da luminescência persistente como pontos de destaque frente as demais matrizes encontradas nos marcadores.
The identification of gunshot residue bring important information for a forensic investigation. The simplest way to make this recognition is by incorporating luminescent markers into gunpowder. This article consists of a case study that aims to analyze and compare the luminescent markers already existing in the literature through the properties found in their matrices, and with this, present the synthesis of a luminescent material of strontium and magnesium disilicate doped with rare earth ions (Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+, Dy3+) as a candidate for a new marker for projectile. This luminescent material has characteristics such as luminescence intensity and persistent luminescence duration as prominent points against the other matrices found in the markers.
The identification of gunshot residue bring important information for a forensic investigation. The simplest way to make this recognition is by incorporating luminescent markers into gunpowder. This article consists of a case study that aims to analyze and compare the luminescent markers already existing in the literature through the properties found in their matrices, and with this, present the synthesis of a luminescent material of strontium and magnesium disilicate doped with rare earth ions (Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+, Dy3+) as a candidate for a new marker for projectile. This luminescent material has characteristics such as luminescence intensity and persistent luminescence duration as prominent points against the other matrices found in the markers.
marcador luminescente , resíduos de tiro , luminescência persistente , luminescent marker , gunshot residue , persistent luminescence