Uma proposta para o aconselhamento pastoral
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Freitas, Moacyr Moreira De
Santos, Valdeci da Silva
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Atrelada ao cuidado pastoral, a prática do aconselhamento é parte constituinte da Teologia Prática. Remontando ao cuidado ofertado pelo próprio Deus, foi exercitado por cristãos ao longo dos séculos como uma forma de lidar com os problemas do cotidiano à luz da Bíblia. A queda gera necessidade de aconselhamento como uma forma de santificação, aproximando os cristãos de Deus e uns com os outros. Assim, a presente pesquisa se propõe a identificar a prática do aconselhamento noutético sob a perspectiva da teórica de Jay Adams, a partir de um levantamento histórico sobre o desenvolvimento do aconselhamento cristão e da identificação e combate aos sistemas de aconselhamento rivais adotados dentro das igrejas. Para além do levantamento bibliográfico, a pesquisa possui um levantamento de dados a partir de um questionário composto por dezoito questões baseadas nas três variáveis do aconselhamento noutético: identificação do problema, confrontação verbal e correção verbal. O questionário, on-line, foi aplicado à ministros cristãos da Igreja Presbiteriana do Brasil pertencentes ao Sínodo Central Espírito-santense, usando a escala do tipo LIKERT. As respostas apontam para uma necessidade que a presente pesquisa se propõe a contribuir: provocar uma reflexão sobre aconselhamento noutético para toda a igreja, instruindo-a sobre o sacerdócio universal dos crentes.
Linked to pastoral care, the practice of counseling is a constituent part of Practical Theology. Dating back to the care offered by God Himself, it has been exercised by Christians over the centuries as a way of dealing with everyday problems in the light of the Bible. The fall creates a need for counseling as a form of sanctification, bringing Christians closer to God and to each other. Thus, the present research proposes to identify the practice of nouthetic counseling from the perspective of Jay Adams' theorist, starting with a historical survey on the development of Christian counseling and identifying and combating rival counseling systems adopted within churches. In addition to the literature survey, the research has a data survey from a questionnaire composed of eighteen questions based on the three variables of noutethical counseling: problem identification, verbal confrontation, and verbal correction. The questionnaire, on-line, was applied to Christian ministers of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil belonging to the Sínodo Espiritossantense, using the LIKERT type scale. The answers point to a need that the present research proposes to contribute: to provoke a reflection on nouthetic counseling for the whole church, instructing it about the universal priesthood of believers.
Linked to pastoral care, the practice of counseling is a constituent part of Practical Theology. Dating back to the care offered by God Himself, it has been exercised by Christians over the centuries as a way of dealing with everyday problems in the light of the Bible. The fall creates a need for counseling as a form of sanctification, bringing Christians closer to God and to each other. Thus, the present research proposes to identify the practice of nouthetic counseling from the perspective of Jay Adams' theorist, starting with a historical survey on the development of Christian counseling and identifying and combating rival counseling systems adopted within churches. In addition to the literature survey, the research has a data survey from a questionnaire composed of eighteen questions based on the three variables of noutethical counseling: problem identification, verbal confrontation, and verbal correction. The questionnaire, on-line, was applied to Christian ministers of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil belonging to the Sínodo Espiritossantense, using the LIKERT type scale. The answers point to a need that the present research proposes to contribute: to provoke a reflection on nouthetic counseling for the whole church, instructing it about the universal priesthood of believers.
aconselhamento , aconselhamento noutético , teologia prática , counseling , nouthetic counseling , practical theology