Pichação: escrita, tipografia e voz de uma cultura na cidade de São Paulo no século XXI
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Felisette, Marcos Corrêa de Mello
Contier, Arnaldo Daraya
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Stori, Norberto
Caramella, Elaine da Graça de Paula
Caramella, Elaine da Graça de Paula
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This research proposes an investigation line concerning the emerging typographic production in the streets of the city of São Paulo in the XXI century, having as a major spotlight, the graffiti s writing. The said study suggests an amplification concerning such production, in the constitution of typographic patterns arising from the urban space and their implications both in the cultural scope of the people producing them, as well as, in their relationship with the so-called official media and the formation of their space within the dominant culture. Starting from the comparative analysis concerning the production of this typography, we will try to point out the product and the routes for this language, in the constitution of typographic parameters arising from urban popular styles and cultures, possible providers for a contemporaneousness, both the typography, as well as, the Brazilian graphical design. This way, the research object creates the possibility for crossing between the institutionalized production and the so-called unofficial writings, discussing the occupation mechanisms and reciprocal reading among cultures, within the social-cultural and urban universe that is the space-city.
cultura , pichação , produção tipográfica , escrita , mídia institucionalizada , escritas extra-oficiais , design , culture , graffiti , typographic production , writing , institutionalized media , design
Assuntos Scopus
FELISETTE, Marcos Corrêa de Mello. Pichação: escrita, tipografia e voz de uma cultura na cidade de São Paulo no século XXI. 2006. 261 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação, Arte e História) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2006.