Construção de um protocolo de relacionamento com fornecedores de serviços estratégicos em uma empresa pública do setor de energia

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Soares, Patrícia Rangel Queiroz Santos
Segura, Liliane Cristina
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Oyadomari, José Carlos Tiomatsu
Pereira, Gustavo Menoncin de Carvalho
Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais
Objective of the work: To develop a relationship protocol with strategic suppliers for a public company in the energy sector in order to minimize the problems of contract and relationship management, decrease transaction costs and establish a relationship that enhances gains for both companies . The studied category, Works and Services in Distribution Networks (RDA), includes critical services that directly impact Compliance with regulatory quality of service indicators, which are those used by ANEEL to assess the maintenance of the Energy Distribution concession. Design / Methodology / Approach: This study is characterized by a qualitative research, which uses as a method the integrated single case study, with multiple units of analysis. Seven propositions were made, which were verified through three types of evidence: documents, records and interviews with 30 contract managers, 15 from the energy company and 15 from supplier interviews. Results: The seven propositions of the case study were supported by the study indicating that the type of interorganizational relationship is not recommended in the literature for the RDA category, which is strategic; the objectives of each party in relation to the contract are different; there are 37 situations that generate stress and hinder the relationship, contract management and performance of both companies; the cooperation, communication and joint problem solving factors are in line with what is recommended in the literature for the type of relationship and the factors trust, relational norms, information sharing and joint planning can be improved; the main difficulties faced by suppliers in achieving the performance required in the contract are hiring and training of labor and proper administrative and financial management of the contract; the main strengths of the relationship are the energy company's technical competence and good interpersonal relationships. From the conclusions raised, a protocol for the relationship was proposed, containing 10 themes to be worked on in order to develop relational governance in the contracting of these services. Practical Implications: This research has practical implications for the energy company under study as it identifies the main points of improvement that must be implemented in the relationship with strategic suppliers and also for other public and private companies that can use the created protocol. Originality and Contributions: This research contributes by breaking paradigms about managing the relationship with suppliers in a traditionally managed public company; providing a relationship methodology with strategic suppliers that minimizes problems in the management of strategic contracts, contributing to add value and reduce costs for both parts of the relationship and reducing the scarcity of literature, especially with regard to qualitative research and in public companies.
gestão do relacionamento com fornecedores , setor elétrico , empresa pública
Assuntos Scopus
SOARES, Patrícia Rangel Queiroz Santos. Construção de um protocolo de relacionamento com fornecedores de serviços estratégicos em uma empresa pública do setor de energia. 2021. 198 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Controladoria e Finanças Empresariais) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie,São Paulo. 2021.