As leis de incentivo a cultura como moeda econômica: um estudo da legislação sul coreana em parâmetro à brasileira
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Zogheib, Isabella Talala
Salgado, Rodrigo Oliveira
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Este estudo irá analisar o impacto dos investimentos no setor cultural de um país
para o seu desenvolvimento econômico, considerando a realidade da Coreia do Sul, em
relação ao Brasil, focando nas diferenças entre as estruturas governamentais internas e o
histórico político que levou a estas distinções. O artigo irá sustentar a ideia de que as políticas
públicas de estímulo à cultura, decorrentes do contexto interno nacional, são essenciais para o
crescimento econômico do país e para a sua inserção no mercado mundial, demonstrando o
desempenho econômico de ambos os países e realizando um aprofundamento nas medidas
implementadas, destacando o sucesso das políticas voltadas para a propagação dos produtos
culturais advindos da Coreia do Sul.
This study aims to analyze the impact of investments in the cultural sector of a country for its economic development, considering the reality of South Korea, in relation to Brazil, focusing on the differences between the internal governmental structures and the political history that led to the distinctions between both nations. The article will support the idea that public policies set to stimulate cultural productions, considering the internal context of the place, are essential for the country's economic growth and for its insertion in the world market, demonstrating the economic performance of both countries and taking a deep look into the measures implemented, highlighting the success of policies aimed at the propagation of cultural products from South Korea.
This study aims to analyze the impact of investments in the cultural sector of a country for its economic development, considering the reality of South Korea, in relation to Brazil, focusing on the differences between the internal governmental structures and the political history that led to the distinctions between both nations. The article will support the idea that public policies set to stimulate cultural productions, considering the internal context of the place, are essential for the country's economic growth and for its insertion in the world market, demonstrating the economic performance of both countries and taking a deep look into the measures implemented, highlighting the success of policies aimed at the propagation of cultural products from South Korea.
desenvolvimento econômico , políticas públicas , setor cultural , economia , economic development , public policies , cultural sector , economy