Participação popular e reforma urbana: da constituinte ao estatuto da cidade
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Lago, Paulo Cesar do
Ribeiro, Hélcio
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Silva, Solange Teles da
Tomasevicius Filho, Eduardo
Tomasevicius Filho, Eduardo
Direito Político e Econômico
In this work we attempt to retrace the path of the urban policies in Brazil and to analyze its relation with the popular participation. We examine such participation, firstly, in the context of the conquest of political freedom, expressed mainly within the urban popular movements and their strive for a dignified way of life in the cities, as well as the resistance and fight against the authoritarianism, a stage that climaxed in the popular initiative of amendments to the Federal Constitution of 1988. Secondly, we analyze the interaction of the expanding civil society and its interlocution with the State in the new areas of participation created from the Assembléia Nacional Constituinte (Constitution National Assembly) of 1987/88, concerning to the urban question and the potential of the instruments available to citizens from then on. Our purpose comes true by the analysis of the citizenship from an active and partaking perspective, just as the presupposition of democracy adopted in this work.
participação popular , reforma urbana , democracia participativa , emenda popular da reforma urbana , movimentos populares urbanos , popular participation , urban reform , partaking democracy , popular amendment for urban reform , urban popular movements