Inovação tecnológica e vantagens competitivas sustentáveis no Setor de Telefonia celular do Brasil: um estudo sobre a interveniência da convergência digital

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Lex, Sergio
Zilber, Moisés Ari
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Moori, Roberto Giro
Marcondes, Reynaldo Cavalheiro
Kruglianskas, Isak
Guimarães, Tomas de Aquino
Administração de Empresas
The causal relationship between the use of technological innovation and gain of sustainable competitive advantages has been observed and studied within several organizations and in different environments. However there has been no concern on how organizations can establish such relationship and which other variables may exert influence on it. Therefore, the aim of this study is based on such concern and on the Brazilian Cellular Telephone Sector, which is undergoing fast structural changes and experiencing great technological improvement. These changes have triggered the digital convergence, which allows sound, image and data to be transmitted through the same medium. Initially, an analysis of the recent evolution of the Telecommunication Industry, where the studied Sector is located, was conducted to attain better comprehension of the role of the Sector s organizations, operators and cellular manufacturers. Following, a broad conceptual revision on technological innovation, sustainable competitive advantages and consumers value was made to give a solid theoretical support to the study. This study involved a double-folded descriptive field research. In the first part, a qualitative research, 13 specialists from the main organizations of the Sector were interviewed. Content Analysis made it evident that intervenient variables, digital convergence and consumer s value perception, are responsible for the link between technological innovation and the gain of sustainable competitive advantages. Other variables that influence this relationship were also identified: Government regulation, economic conditions and strategic positioning of companies. A descriptive Model was used to represent these relationships. In the second part, a quantitative research was based on a employed sample of 350 respondents for statistical validation of the Model. As part of this research, two pre-tests involving 220 respondents were made. Data were analyzed through univariate and multivariate statistical procedures: Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The study concluded that cellular operators and equipment manufacturers in the Brazilian Cellular Telephone Sector are searching for digital convergence based on technological innovation to obtain innovative products and services to be offered to consumers. Nevertheless, it also became evident that these companies can only achieve sustainable competitive advantages if consumers are able to perceive significant added values.
inovação tecnológica , vantagens competitivas sustentáveis , telefonia celular , convergência digital , valor do consumidor , technological innovation , sustainable competitive advantages , cellular telephone , digital convergence , consumers value
Assuntos Scopus
LEX, Sergio. Inovação tecnológica e vantagens competitivas sustentáveis no Setor de Telefonia celular do Brasil: um estudo sobre a interveniência da convergência digital. 2008. 402 f. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2008.