A padronização do pensamento judicial brasileiro sobre a lei antirracismo (7.726/89)
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Sousa, Fellipe Rodrigues
Silva, Solange Teles da
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Membros da banca
Pereira, Flávio de Leão Bastos
Caldas, Camilo Onoda Luiz
Caldas, Camilo Onoda Luiz
Direito Político e Econômico
According to Kwame Ture and Carmichael, institutional racism is considered the
failure, sometimes unintentional, of the discourse of neutrality of action of institutions,
capable of causing harmful results to certain groups, such as the deprivation of rights
and access, causing the perpetuation of social inequalities. The last country to abolish
the enslavement of blacks in the West, Brazil has maintained throughout its history an
indirect legal tradition of racial and social control through its legislation. In the last thirty
years, however, the enactment of law No. 7,716/89 that made the practice of racism a
crime marked a recent change in the Brazilian state's stance on racial issues. However,
by delegating to the law the leading role of combating racism, the Brazilian State, in
practice, elected the judiciary as a faithful guardian to interpret the restraining acts
considered racist. Therefore, this research sought to analyze the criminal
jurisprudence of the Brazilian Courts of Justice on the crime of racism to ascertain
whether, in their institutional performance, it is possible to identify: (i) whether there is
a standardization of Brazilian judicial thinking about the anti-racism law (7,726/89); (ii)
If it exists, if this standardization can be considered institutional racism; (iii) whether
the ethnicity of the judges is capable of interfering in the identification of racial crimes.
The time interval contained in the jurisprudential research corresponds to the years
2009 to 2019, the most recent third of the law.This research is limited to the line of
research "Citizenship shaping the State" of the graduate program in Political and
Economic Law of Mackenzie Presbyterian University and was limited to the criminal
matter because this field conducts with a higher degree of disapproval, as well as
because the only sanctioning provisions expressed on discriminatory practices on
grounds of race or color are contained in criminal law.
racismo institucional , justiça racial , teoria crítica da raça
Assuntos Scopus
SOUSA, Fellipe Rodrigues. A padronização do pensamento judicial brasileiro sobre a lei antirracismo (7.726/89). 2020. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.