Literatura e pandemia: uma análise do tema do sofrimento presente nos sermões contemporâneos de Yago Martins
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Espigares, Sarah Couto Vasconcelos
Aguiar, Cristhiano Motta
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Esta monografia se propõe a analisar a abordagem do tema do sofrimento em dois sermões contemporâneos presentes na obra Sermões da Pandemia: encontrando esperança em dias de caos, do autor e pastor Yago Martins (2020), levando em consideração tanto o contexto da pandemia, causada pelo corona vírus, quanto a conceituação da estrutura do sermão e dos recursos da metáfora e da intertextualidade. Para isso, fundamenta-se, principalmente, na pesquisa do professor James Hoppin (1883) a respeito do sermão, de José Luiz Fiorin (2014) e Rosilene Francisco (2015) em relação à conceituação da metáfora, assim como de Ziva Ben-Porat (1992) na conceituação do símile, e de Emanuel Cardoso-Silva (2006) em relação à conceituação da intertextualidade, além de discutir o tema do sofrimento por meio de diferentes autores de variadas áreas e épocas. Para a análise, é feita a associação entre o tema do sofrimento e os recursos da linguagem propostos, explicados por meio da apresentação de trechos dos dois sermões. Por fim, procura compreender como o sofrimento é abordado, de forma geral e específica, das consequências da pandemia, dentro dos dois sermões contemporâneos por meio da observação da metáfora e da intertextualidade presentes.
This monograph proposes the analysis of the approach to the theme of suffering in two contemporary sermons present in the work Sermões da Pandemia: encontrando esperança em dias de caos, by the author and preacher Yago Martins (2020), taking into consideration both the context of the pandemic, caused by the coronavirus, and the conception of the sermon structure and the resources of metaphor, simile, and intertextuality. For this purpose, it is primarily founded on the research of Professor James Hoppin (1883) concerning the sermon, on José Luiz Fiorin (2014) and Rosilene Francisco (2015) in relation to the metaphor conceptualization, as well as on Ziva Ben-Porat (1992) concerning the simile concept, and on Emanuel Cardoso-Silva (2006) concerning the intertextuality conceit, besides discussing the theme of suffering through different authors from various areas and times. For this analysis, the association between the theme of suffering and the proposed language resources is established, which are explained through the presentation of excerpts from the two sermons. Finally, it aims to comprehend how suffering is approached, in a general and specific way, from the consequences of the pandemic, within the two contemporary sermons by observing metaphor, simile, and intertextuality which are present.
This monograph proposes the analysis of the approach to the theme of suffering in two contemporary sermons present in the work Sermões da Pandemia: encontrando esperança em dias de caos, by the author and preacher Yago Martins (2020), taking into consideration both the context of the pandemic, caused by the coronavirus, and the conception of the sermon structure and the resources of metaphor, simile, and intertextuality. For this purpose, it is primarily founded on the research of Professor James Hoppin (1883) concerning the sermon, on José Luiz Fiorin (2014) and Rosilene Francisco (2015) in relation to the metaphor conceptualization, as well as on Ziva Ben-Porat (1992) concerning the simile concept, and on Emanuel Cardoso-Silva (2006) concerning the intertextuality conceit, besides discussing the theme of suffering through different authors from various areas and times. For this analysis, the association between the theme of suffering and the proposed language resources is established, which are explained through the presentation of excerpts from the two sermons. Finally, it aims to comprehend how suffering is approached, in a general and specific way, from the consequences of the pandemic, within the two contemporary sermons by observing metaphor, simile, and intertextuality which are present.
Literatura e pandemia , Análise de sermões , Sermões da pandemia , Tema do sofrimento , Metáforae símile , Intertextualidade , Literature and pandemic , Sermon analysis , Pandemic sermons , Theme of suffering , Metaphor and simile , Intertextuality