A banalização da memória na era digital
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Cunha, Gisely Hiromi Uehara
Pereira, Flávio de Leão Bastos
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A sociedade contemporânea possui várias características entre elas o seu imediatismo, consumismo, individualismo e o uso constante de redes sociais. Sobre esse último aspecto, há determinados comportamentos dos internautas nessas plataformas que vêm gerando debates sobre as mudanças de relacionamento entre os indivíduos, bem como eles vêm tratando sobre diversos temas da sociedade. Um desses comportamentos se refere ao ato de tirar várias fotos e postá-las em redes sociais. Com base nesse aspecto o presente artigo visa analisar como determinadas fotografias tiradas em ambientes de memória, locais de acontecimentos trágicos e que envolvem a lembrança de crimes de lesa-humanidade geram uma ofensa e desrespeito às vítimas e aos seus familiares, prejudicando o significado da memória em troca de curtidas e autopromoção. Deste modo, são analisados os impactos que essas condutas vêm gerando como a banalização da memória e da verdade que desconstrói relevantes narrativas históricas necessárias à conformação de um futuro democrático e inclusivo, bem como tratar como isso afeta o direito à memória aplicado pela justiça de transição. Ademais, busca demostrar como tais condutas contribuem para o esquecimento do passado, ao aumento do risco de diminuição da importância do significado de um memorial, dos Direitos Humanos e o estabelecimento de uma Democracia mais forte, o que acaba colaborando com as correntes negacionistas contemporâneas que buscam sequestrar a verdade e restaurar regimes criminosos e seus atores.
Contemporary society has several characteristics, including immediacy, consumerism, individualism and the constant use of social networks. In relation to this last aspect, there are certain behaviors of Internet users on these platforms that have been generating debates about changes in the relationships between individuals, as well as how these people talk about several topics of the society. One of these behaviors refers to the act of taking several pictures and posting them on social networks. Based on this aspect, the present article aims to analyze how certain photographs taken in memory environments, places of tragic events and that involve memories of crimes against humanity, generate offenses and disrespect for the victims and their families, harming the meaning of memory in return of likes and self-promotion. In this way, the impacts that these conducts have been generating are analyzed, such as the trivialization of memory and the truth that deconstructs relevant historical narratives and necessary for the shaping of a democratic and inclusive future, as well as addressing how it affects the right of memory transitional justice. Furthermore, it seeks to demonstrate how such behaviors contribute to forgetting the past, increasing the risk of diminishing the importance of the meaning of a memorial, of Human Rights and of the constitution of a stronger Democracy, which ends up collaborating with the contemporary negationist currents that seek hijack the truth and restore criminal regimes and their actors.
Contemporary society has several characteristics, including immediacy, consumerism, individualism and the constant use of social networks. In relation to this last aspect, there are certain behaviors of Internet users on these platforms that have been generating debates about changes in the relationships between individuals, as well as how these people talk about several topics of the society. One of these behaviors refers to the act of taking several pictures and posting them on social networks. Based on this aspect, the present article aims to analyze how certain photographs taken in memory environments, places of tragic events and that involve memories of crimes against humanity, generate offenses and disrespect for the victims and their families, harming the meaning of memory in return of likes and self-promotion. In this way, the impacts that these conducts have been generating are analyzed, such as the trivialization of memory and the truth that deconstructs relevant historical narratives and necessary for the shaping of a democratic and inclusive future, as well as addressing how it affects the right of memory transitional justice. Furthermore, it seeks to demonstrate how such behaviors contribute to forgetting the past, increasing the risk of diminishing the importance of the meaning of a memorial, of Human Rights and of the constitution of a stronger Democracy, which ends up collaborating with the contemporary negationist currents that seek hijack the truth and restore criminal regimes and their actors.
fotografia , justiça de transição , memória , redes sociais , selfies , photography , transitional justice , memory , social networks , selfies