Falsas memórias: uma análise da fragilidade da prova testemunhal através da psicologia do testemunho
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Hellmeister, Raul Truffi
Lima, Danilo Yves de
Duru, Felipe Matarazzo
Lima, Danilo Yves de
Duru, Felipe Matarazzo
Brito, Alexis Augusto Couto de
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O presente artigo científico tem como objetivo central analisar o impacto das falsas memórias no processo penal, mais especificamente na produção da prova testemunhal.
Preliminarmente, serão abordados os principais conceitos sobre o tema, tais como a prova testemunhal, a busca pela “verdade real” no Processo Penal, a psicologia do testemunho e o
conceito de falsas memórias. Após as suas análises, questionar-se-á a tamanha fragilidade da prova testemunhal, tendo em vista depender exclusivamente da memória das testemunhas, as quais são totalmente suscetíveis às falhas. Desta forma, fez-se necessário um estudo mais aprofundado sobre a maneira pela qual as falsas memórias efetivamente impactam a produção da prova testemunhal, através de uma análise interdisciplinar, a fim de compreender o funcionamento da memória humana e o processo de formação das memórias. Por fim,
realizou-se uma análise bibliográfica das técnicas para a redução dos danos causados pelas falsas memórias ao Processo Penal.
This scientific article has as its main objective to analyze the impact of false memories in criminal proceedings, specifically in the collection of testimonial evidence. Preliminarily, we will approach the main concepts of the article subject, such as the testimonial evidence, the search for the “real truth” in criminal procedure, the psychology of testimony, and the definition of false memories. After analyzing these concepts, the fragility of testimonial evidence becomes clear since it depends exclusively on the memory of the witnesses, which is susceptible to failure. Thus, a more in-depth study on how false memories effectively impact the production of testimonial evidence was required, through an interdisciplinary analysis, to understand how human memory works and the process of memory formation. Ultimately, a bibliographic analysis of techniques to reduce the damage caused by false memories to the criminal process was carried out.
This scientific article has as its main objective to analyze the impact of false memories in criminal proceedings, specifically in the collection of testimonial evidence. Preliminarily, we will approach the main concepts of the article subject, such as the testimonial evidence, the search for the “real truth” in criminal procedure, the psychology of testimony, and the definition of false memories. After analyzing these concepts, the fragility of testimonial evidence becomes clear since it depends exclusively on the memory of the witnesses, which is susceptible to failure. Thus, a more in-depth study on how false memories effectively impact the production of testimonial evidence was required, through an interdisciplinary analysis, to understand how human memory works and the process of memory formation. Ultimately, a bibliographic analysis of techniques to reduce the damage caused by false memories to the criminal process was carried out.
falsas memórias , processo penal , prova testemunhal , psicologia do testemunho , false memories , criminal procedure , testimonial evidence , psychology of testimony