A gestão do conhecimento e mudança no setor de energia elétrica
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Aguena, Alexandre Yoshio
Nunes, Élida Jacomini
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Neste novo século o mundo tem passado por grandes transformações econômicas, políticas e tecnológicas aos quais influenciam a todos os níveis sociais, devido a estas mudanças as organizações vêm procurando formas para manterem-se nesta conseqüente mudança de mercado. Estas organizações têm-se preocupado em manter uma permanente observação e avaliação no que diz respeito às mudanças que estão ocorrendo no ambiente externo em diversas dimensões e em ritmo acelerado: as formas de competição, as globalizações dos mercados, os avanços tecnológicos, a aparição de novas indústrias e novos produtos, as tendências demográficas, as modificações na força de trabalho e os jogos geopolíticos são exemplos da influência do ambiente externo a estas organizações, aos quais promovem à necessidade de adaptação a nova realidade de competitividade no mercado, vivendo em um ambiente repleto de incertezas e fazendo com que busquem o aumento de suas capacidades organizacionais para tornarem-se mais ágeis e flexíveis.
O setor elétrico, no Brasil, também sofreu profundas mudanças nas ultimas décadas, principalmente devido ao processo de privatização em meados de 1995, ao qual implicou na privatização de grande parte do setor de energia elétrica. Portanto, o setor elétrico cujo principal gerenciamento relacionava-se a manutenção no fornecimento de energia elétrica, atualmente foca também suas atenções na obtenção do lucro e no atendimento as novas regulamentações governamentais.
Diante deste contexto, as organizações do setor elétrico que considerarem em suas estratégias, por meio da Gestão do Conhecimento, o ciclo da coleta, do armazenamento, da análise e da disseminação da informação, poderão usufruir de um dos principais diferenciais na era do conhecimento: o recurso pessoal.
In this new century the world has gone through major transformations changing economic, technological and policies which affect all social levels, due to these changes Organizations are seeking ways to remain consistent in this changing market. These organizations have been keen to maintain an ongoing review and evaluation regarding the changes taking place in the external environment in various dimensions and at a rapid pace: the forms of competition, the Globalization of markets, the advances technological, the emergence of new industries and new products, demographic trends, changes in the workforce and the geopolitical games are examples of the influence of the external environment to the organizations which promote the need to adapt to new circumstances of market competitiveness, living in an environment fraught with uncertainty and making that seek to increase their organizational capacities to become more agile and flexible. The electricity sector also underwent profound changes in recent decades, mainly due to the privatization process in mid-1995, which resulted in the privatization of much of the electricity sector. Therefore, the electric sector whose main management related to maintenance in the supply of electric power also currently focuses its attention on obtaining the service profit and new government regulations. Given this context, the electric sector organizations consider their strategies through the Knowledge Management, the cycle of collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of information, can enjoy one of the key differentiators in the knowledge era: resource staff.
In this new century the world has gone through major transformations changing economic, technological and policies which affect all social levels, due to these changes Organizations are seeking ways to remain consistent in this changing market. These organizations have been keen to maintain an ongoing review and evaluation regarding the changes taking place in the external environment in various dimensions and at a rapid pace: the forms of competition, the Globalization of markets, the advances technological, the emergence of new industries and new products, demographic trends, changes in the workforce and the geopolitical games are examples of the influence of the external environment to the organizations which promote the need to adapt to new circumstances of market competitiveness, living in an environment fraught with uncertainty and making that seek to increase their organizational capacities to become more agile and flexible. The electricity sector also underwent profound changes in recent decades, mainly due to the privatization process in mid-1995, which resulted in the privatization of much of the electricity sector. Therefore, the electric sector whose main management related to maintenance in the supply of electric power also currently focuses its attention on obtaining the service profit and new government regulations. Given this context, the electric sector organizations consider their strategies through the Knowledge Management, the cycle of collection, storage, analysis and dissemination of information, can enjoy one of the key differentiators in the knowledge era: resource staff.
Gestão do conhecimento , Ambiente organizacional , Inteligência competitiva (administratação)