Influência do ritmo circadiano na coordenação motora corporal em meninos de 11 e 12 anos
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Souza, Paulo Roberto Pereira de
Assis, Silvana Maria Blascovi de
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Membros da banca
Carvalho, Sueli Galego de
Rodrigues, Graciele Massoli
Rodrigues, Graciele Massoli
Distúrbios do Desenvolvimento
The Chronobiology studies the biological rhythms found in all kind of life. When these rhythms follow a cycle of about 24 hours are called Circadian Rhythms (from the Latin circa = about and diem = day). The body temperature, the release of cortisol, changes in heart rate and blood pressure are examples of Circadian Rhythms. These conditions are associated with rhythmicity exogenous and endogenous factors. In exogenous factors we mention the temperature, environment, sleep/wake cycle, day light, seasons, oxygen tension and gravity cycles. In endogenous factors, the Circadian Rhythm is under direct influence of hormones secreted. With the variations of geophysical cycles is possible to classify people as morningness, intermediate and eveningness. The morning wake rather early, around 5 to 7 am and has a preference for an early night, the evening have a preference for sleeping and waking up late, showing better performance in the afternoon and evening. The intermediaries are indifferent because they have no specific preference for bedtime and waking, playing well activities at any time of day. To sort the chronotype of each individual, we used a validated questionnaire which determines how the individual through structured questions. Motor coordination is the ability to integrate systems with multiple sensory modalities engines within an efficient movement and cognitive skills, mature as wherein the maturation of the central nervous system develops, allowing the progressive learning these skills. To evaluate and assess their motor coordination skills body, we applied the test of motor coordination body for children. The objective of the research was to investigate the influence of Circadian Rhythm on motor coordination body in the boys with 11 and 12 years old comparing the performance of young soccer players, and healthy students children and with Down syndrome. For research questionnaire was used to identify and evaluate which chronotype ant to motor coordination test was applied KTK (Motor Coordination Test for Children), applied at different times of the day, a battery in the morning between 8:00 am and 10:00 am, and another in the afternoon between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm. The results showed that the chronotype of the three groups involved were the same as the general population, which is most of the morning and intermediate characteristics. In KTK tests comparing the periods, there were no statistically significant results. The results showed similarities in groups of soccer players and healthy students with mild improvement of these values in the afternoon. The group of boys with Down syndrome showed lower values in tests, keeping statistical values not significant between morning and afternoon.
fenômenos cronobiológicos , ritmo circadiano , habilidade motora , futebol , síndrome de Down , criança , chronobiology phenomena , circadian rhythm , motor skills , soccer , Down syndrome , Child