Vasco de Mello: percurso, panorama e análise de sua obra
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Hajli, Sandra Maalouli
Florio, Wilson
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Carranza, Edite Galote Rodrigues
Aly, José Augusto Fernandes
Aly, José Augusto Fernandes
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo, registrar o conjunto da obra do arquiteto
Vasco de Mello e identificar as características da sua arquitetura entre os anos de
1960 até 2016. Esta dissertação visa preencher uma lacuna sobre a obra desse
importante arquiteto paulista, em direção ao conhecimento de sua obra pouco
estudada. A dissertação está organizada em três capítulos. O capítulo 1 denominado
Percurso apresenta a trajetória do arquiteto em três períodos: A Formação de um
Novo Olhar de 1960-1975; Produção Coletiva de 1975-1999 e A Fase Atual, 1999
-2016. No segundo capítulo denominado, Método e Procedimentos da Pesquisa,
são apresentadas as etapas da pesquisa e são destacados todo o processo de
levantamento, organização e classificação do material iconográfico do acervo do
arquiteto. A documentação constitui-se em uma das funções primordiais desta
pesquisa, por meio da identificação do objeto de estudo, organização, classificação
das obras e de suas principais características, culminando na discussão sobre a
relevância deste objeto no quadro da arquitetura paulista. No terceiro capítulo
denominado, Panorama e Análise, é traçado o Panorama Cronológico de sua Obra
e a leitura do conjunto da obra do arquiteto Vasco de Mello. Na sequencia são
definidos os Critérios para os Itens de Análise e a Seleção dos Estudos de Caso.
A partir desses critérios foi definido o objeto de estudos, constituídos de sete
projetos que contribuem para compreensão dos aspectos formais, funcionais e
construtivos presentes nas propostas. Por fim, são discutidas as Características
da Arquitetura de Vasco de Mello, extraídas da leitura do conjunto de sua obra.
A contribuição original da presente pesquisa é catalogar o conjunto da sua
obra, destacando suas características e apontar aspectos que demonstram a sua
inquietude e a sua contestação aos rígidos dogmas da arquitetura moderna, a
partir dos anos 60. A pesquisa desenvolvida permitiu identificar que, o conjunto
de sua produção não aponta para uma categorização ou para a evolução de uma
linguagem coerente, pelo contrario, seus trabalhos abrangem uma sequência de
temas dos mais diversificados, pautado na pluralidade de experiências e liberdade
de expressão, enfrentada de maneira singular.
The aim of this research is to record the work of architect Vasco de Mello and to identify the characteristics of his architecture between the years of 1960 and 2016. This dissertation seeks to fill a gap on the work of this important architect from São Paulo towards the knowledge of his little studied work. The dissertation is organized in three chapters. Chapter 1, entitled Trajectory, presents the timeline of the architect in three periods: A New Vision from 1960-1975; Collective Production from 1975-1999 and The Current Phase, 1999 -2016. In the second chapter called Research Method and Procedures, the research steps are presented and the whole process of surveying, organizing and classifying the iconographic material of the architect's collection is highlighted. Documentation is one of the primary functions of this research, through the identification of the object of study, organization, classification of the works and their main characteristics, culminating in the discussion about the relevance of this object within the framework of São Paulo's architecture. In the third chapter, Panorama and Analysis, the Chronological Panorama of his Work and the reading of architect's Vasco de Mello work are mapped out. Followed by the definition of the Criteria for the Analysis Items and the Selection of the Case Studied. Taking these criteria into consideration, the objects of study were defined, consisting of seven projects that contribute to understanding the formal, functional and constructive aspects amongst the proposals. Finally, the characteristics of the architecture of Vasco de Mello, extracted from the reading of his work, are discussed. The original contribution of the present research is to catalog the whole of his work, highlighting its characteristics and pointing out aspects that demonstrate his uneasiness and his challenge to the rigid dogmas of modern architecture, starting from the 1960s. The research allowed to identify a lack of pattern in his production, which does not point to a categorization or to the evolution of a coherent language. On the contrary, his work covers a sequence of the most diverse themes, based on the plurality of experiences and freedom of expression, faced in a singular way.
The aim of this research is to record the work of architect Vasco de Mello and to identify the characteristics of his architecture between the years of 1960 and 2016. This dissertation seeks to fill a gap on the work of this important architect from São Paulo towards the knowledge of his little studied work. The dissertation is organized in three chapters. Chapter 1, entitled Trajectory, presents the timeline of the architect in three periods: A New Vision from 1960-1975; Collective Production from 1975-1999 and The Current Phase, 1999 -2016. In the second chapter called Research Method and Procedures, the research steps are presented and the whole process of surveying, organizing and classifying the iconographic material of the architect's collection is highlighted. Documentation is one of the primary functions of this research, through the identification of the object of study, organization, classification of the works and their main characteristics, culminating in the discussion about the relevance of this object within the framework of São Paulo's architecture. In the third chapter, Panorama and Analysis, the Chronological Panorama of his Work and the reading of architect's Vasco de Mello work are mapped out. Followed by the definition of the Criteria for the Analysis Items and the Selection of the Case Studied. Taking these criteria into consideration, the objects of study were defined, consisting of seven projects that contribute to understanding the formal, functional and constructive aspects amongst the proposals. Finally, the characteristics of the architecture of Vasco de Mello, extracted from the reading of his work, are discussed. The original contribution of the present research is to catalog the whole of his work, highlighting its characteristics and pointing out aspects that demonstrate his uneasiness and his challenge to the rigid dogmas of modern architecture, starting from the 1960s. The research allowed to identify a lack of pattern in his production, which does not point to a categorization or to the evolution of a coherent language. On the contrary, his work covers a sequence of the most diverse themes, based on the plurality of experiences and freedom of expression, faced in a singular way.
Vasco de Mello , projeto de edificações
Assuntos Scopus
HAJLI,Sandra Maalouli. Vasco de Mello: percurso, panorama e análise de sua obra. 2017. 318 f. Dissertação ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.