Propaganda de idéias e força do anúncio: confluência de linguagens no discurso publicitário

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Muraro, Marlon Luiz Clasen
Brito, Regina Helena Pires de
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Membros da banca
Bridi, Marlise Vaz
Guimarães, Alexandre Huady Torres
Casagrande, Nancy dos Santos
Andrade, Carlos Augusto Baptista de
In the last years, in rooms and academic corridors or in day by day of work with clients we notice that much has if debited in the count of the propaganda. But, at last, which would be the extract of this activity? Would it be the propaganda like language of seduction, guilty or innocent? Till do I provide the propaganda with a bridge it has the promise with the education and the formation of the character of the citizen? This work tries to think about these questions and, supported in elements of the analysis of the speech of French line presents aspects of this elucidatory process, between them, the relations between the verbal language and not verbal, the ideological load, the intra-discursive and the ethos. The choice of the corpus composed by eight announcements of the Brazilian publicity that board questions on the social responsibility translates the relevance of the subject Propaganda of Ideas and Ideals, as soon as, the works referring to the publicity speech have been acting in the field of the spread of products and consumer goods in his majority. The Propaganda of Ideas and You Devise though it uses the same beginnings and techniques of the propaganda of consumer goods differ of this, so it discusses subjects of relevance for completely, very much besides the part (questions of global and less specific interest), boarding important subjects like environment, domestic violence, and childlike labor between others. So, with questions of this relevance they help the promise of the propaganda exceedingly in the spread, in the combat and in the reduction of problems of nature environmental-economical partner.
discurso publicitário , propaganda , publicidade , ethos , idéias , ideais , advertising discourse , propaganda , advertising. ethos , ideas , idea
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