Literatura surda nas aulas de língua portuguesa dos anos finais do ensino fundamental: representatividade e resgate histórico-cultural dos surdos em ambiente escolar
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Aquino, Luan Vinicius Ramos de
Martins, Valéria Bussola
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A visão de educação defendida pelo Brasil na contemporaneidade prega o direito de todos à educação e a valorização das diferentes culturas e comunidades linguísticas dentro sala de aula sob um olhar calcado na Educação Inclusiva. Mesmo assim, o que se vê na prática é um apagamento da história, cultura e língua de algumas comunidades menorizadas em face à cultura geral brasileira durante as práticas educacionais na sala de aula regular. Quando se fala em Cultura e História Surda, esse processo se torna ainda mais evidente, pois mesmo tendo uma grande importância histórica para a educação nacional, pouco se abordam esses temas nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa, de literatura ou mesmo de História na Educação Básica, ainda que os documentos orientadores da educação incentivem práticas representativas e inclusivas. O presente trabalho se propôs a, partindo do reconhecimento de uma barreira estrutural para a criação de uma escola universal, oferecer ao professor de Língua Portuguesa um caminho inicial para as aulas de leitura literária rumo à ampliação da representatividade educacional e a inclusão social dentro e fora da escola. Buscou-se trazer para o contexto educacional a literatura surda para as aulas dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental. Como referencial teórico, foram usados os pensamentos de Brasil (1998; 2021), Valle (2014), Mourão (2011), McCloud (1996) e Soares (1986).
The vision of education defended by Brazil in contemporary times preaches everyone's right to education and the appreciation of diverse cultures and linguistic communities within the classroom from an inclusive perspective. Even so, what is seen in practice is an erasure of the history, culture, and language of some minoritized communities in the face of general Brazilian culture during educational practices in the regular classroom. This process becomes even more evident when talking about Deaf Culture and History. Even with a great historical importance for the Brazilian national education, the themes of deaf culture and deaf history rarely are addressed in language, literature, or history classes, even with the educational guiding documents encouraging such representative and inclusive practices. The present work proposed, starting from the recognition of a structural vicissitude of the Brazilian School, to offer the Language and Literature teacher an initial path towards the expansion of educational representation and social inclusion inside and outside the school. This work was based on the theoretical foundation of Brasil (1998; 2021), Valle (2014), Mourão (2011), McCloud (1996) e Soares (1986).
The vision of education defended by Brazil in contemporary times preaches everyone's right to education and the appreciation of diverse cultures and linguistic communities within the classroom from an inclusive perspective. Even so, what is seen in practice is an erasure of the history, culture, and language of some minoritized communities in the face of general Brazilian culture during educational practices in the regular classroom. This process becomes even more evident when talking about Deaf Culture and History. Even with a great historical importance for the Brazilian national education, the themes of deaf culture and deaf history rarely are addressed in language, literature, or history classes, even with the educational guiding documents encouraging such representative and inclusive practices. The present work proposed, starting from the recognition of a structural vicissitude of the Brazilian School, to offer the Language and Literature teacher an initial path towards the expansion of educational representation and social inclusion inside and outside the school. This work was based on the theoretical foundation of Brasil (1998; 2021), Valle (2014), Mourão (2011), McCloud (1996) e Soares (1986).
ensino , língua portuguesa , literatura surda , leitura literária , teaching , portuguese language , literature reading , deaf community