Açúcar, charutos e revolução
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Pereira, Gustavo Amado Frias
Santoro, André Cioli T.
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Esta etapa teórica do Trabalho de Conclusão embasa o livro-reportagem Açúcar,
Charutos e Revolução, que aborda as transformações pelas quais Cuba vem
passando nos últimos anos. Este ano de 2018 marcou o fim do sobrenome Castro
no cargo de presidente da República, posto ocupado por quase 60 anos. No lugar
assumiu Miguel Diaz-Canel. O fato é simbólico para uma Cuba que nos últimos anos
vem passando por alterações, não só políticas, mas também econômicas,
diplomáticas e cotidianas. Dentre os tópicos estudados para execução do livro estão
a história da Revolução Cubana, a biografia das suas principais figuras, e a
atualidade do país insular em seus principais pilares. Para uma visão aprofundada e
mais inserida do tema estudado, foi necessário realizar uma viagem ao país
localizado no Caribe, realizada em junho deste ano.
This theoretical part of the term paper support my non-fictional book Açúcar, Charutos e Revolução, which deals with the transformations that Cuba has been going through in recent years. This year of 2018 marked the end of the surname Castro in the position of President of the Republic, a position occupied for almost 60 years, instead, Miguel Diaz-Canel took over.The fact is symbolic for a Cuba that in recent years has undergone changes, not only political, but also economic, diplomatic and in your daily. Among the topics studied for the execution of the book are the history of the Cuban Revolution, the biography of its main figures, and the current situation of the island country in its main pillars. For an in-depth and more detailed view of the theme studied, it was necessary to make a trip to the country located in the Caribbean, held in June of this year.
This theoretical part of the term paper support my non-fictional book Açúcar, Charutos e Revolução, which deals with the transformations that Cuba has been going through in recent years. This year of 2018 marked the end of the surname Castro in the position of President of the Republic, a position occupied for almost 60 years, instead, Miguel Diaz-Canel took over.The fact is symbolic for a Cuba that in recent years has undergone changes, not only political, but also economic, diplomatic and in your daily. Among the topics studied for the execution of the book are the history of the Cuban Revolution, the biography of its main figures, and the current situation of the island country in its main pillars. For an in-depth and more detailed view of the theme studied, it was necessary to make a trip to the country located in the Caribbean, held in June of this year.
jornalismo internacional , política internacional , livro-reportagem , Cuba , international journalism , international policy , non-fictional book , Cuba