As concepções de linguagem: um olhar sobre materiais do programa Bolsa Alfabetização

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Costa, Claudiane de Cassia
Andrade, Maria de Fátima Ramos de
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Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
Aparício, Ana Sílvia Moço
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This study aims to identify the concepts of language in the literacy process present in didactic materials used by teachers and students at Ler e Escrever (Reading and Writing) Program. Bolsa Alfabetização Program is constituted as one of the main actions of the Program Ler e Escrever (Reading and Writing). This is a public policy which is a shown as a set of coordinated lines of action in order to promote the improvement of education across the state of São Paulo network. In the first chapter we trace considerations about teacher training from a historical perspective - initial and continuing education, with an evolutionary synthesis in the perspective of the state and public policies implemented by the Secretariat of Education of São Paulo, particularly, the Bolsa Alfabetização Program. In the second chapter we expose a brief history of literacy, emphasizing literacy methods in Brazil. Following, we present the language concepts, establishing relations with the history of literacy. At last, we discussed the concept of literacy that the program advocates, seeking to highlight the writing production as one of the activities in this process. In the third chapter we present the educational material proposed at the program, identifying the design language and, in turn, present in the teaching materials used by teachers and students participating at the Bolsa Alfabetização Program inside the state network program of education and to what extent this conception is present in and writing activities proposed in textbooks. Research has shown that language is explicitly assumed by the document although the methodological guidelines not quite as a discursive system that is organized as a means of interaction in use and for use, written and spoken, always in context. Alphabetization understood as the learning of the writing system, and written language in its various social uses and simultaneously. From a theoretical point of view, the research is based at the work of these authors (CAGLIARI, 2006; CALKINS, 1989; FERREIRO E TEBEROSKY, 1999; GATTI E BARRETO, 2009; MARCELO GARCÍA, 1999; MORTATTI, 1999, 2000, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012; PIMENTA, 2012; SAVIANI, 2009; SMOLKA,1989; SOARES, 1988, 2004; TARDIF, 2014; GERALDI, 2011).
programa bolsa alfabetização , alfabetização , material didático , concepções de linguagem , políticas públicas
Assuntos Scopus
COSTA, Claudiane de Cassia. As concepções de linguagem: um olhar sobre materiais do programa Bolsa Alfabetização. 2016. 155 f. Dissertação( Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.