Os conhecimentos prévios e o ensino de frações
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Assis, Júlia Rodrigues de
Libório, Débora Bezerra Linhares
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Este trabalho investigou as perspectivas docentes sobre a importância dos conhecimentos prévios na aprendizagem de frações para alunos do 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Utilizando pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas qualitativas com professores, o estudo destacou que os docentes reconhecem e aplicam estratégias eficazes para integrar os conhecimentos prévios dos estudantes no ensino de frações. Os resultados revelaram uma compreensão abrangente dos conhecimentos prévios, que englobam não apenas habilidades matemáticas, mas também experiências de vida. As estratégias dos professores para avaliar e integrar esses conhecimentos foram diversas, refletindo uma sensibilidade às necessidades individuais dos estudantes. Percebeu-se a necessidade de não limitar os conhecimentos prévios apenas às operações básicas, considerando as experiências cotidianas dos estudantes com números fracionários. O estudo enfatiza a importância não apenas de reconhecer, mas também de valorizar e integrar significativamente os conhecimentos prévios no processo de ensino. Em última análise, discute-se que a abordagem metodológica dos conhecimentos prévios pode contribuir para um ensino de matemática mais significativo, relacionando a disciplina com o contexto sociocultural dos estudantes. As conclusões visam uma educação matemática mais eficaz e relevante para todos os estudantes.
This study investigated teachers' perspectives on the importance of prior knowledge in learning fractions for 6th-grade students in elementary school. Utilizing literature review and qualitative interviews with teachers, the study highlighted that educators recognize and implement effective strategies to incorporate students' prior knowledge into fraction instruction. The results revealed a comprehensive understanding of prior knowledge, encompassing not only mathematical skills but also life experiences. Teachers' strategies to assess and integrate this knowledge varied, reflecting sensitivity to individual student needs. There was an acknowledgment of the need not to limit prior knowledge to basic operations, considering students' everyday experiences with fractional numbers. The study emphasizes not only recognizing but also valuing and significantly integrating prior knowledge into the teaching process. Ultimately, it argues that the methodological approach to prior knowledge can contribute to more meaningful mathematics education by connecting the subject with students' sociocultural context. The conclusions aim to foster a more effective and relevant mathematical education for all students.
This study investigated teachers' perspectives on the importance of prior knowledge in learning fractions for 6th-grade students in elementary school. Utilizing literature review and qualitative interviews with teachers, the study highlighted that educators recognize and implement effective strategies to incorporate students' prior knowledge into fraction instruction. The results revealed a comprehensive understanding of prior knowledge, encompassing not only mathematical skills but also life experiences. Teachers' strategies to assess and integrate this knowledge varied, reflecting sensitivity to individual student needs. There was an acknowledgment of the need not to limit prior knowledge to basic operations, considering students' everyday experiences with fractional numbers. The study emphasizes not only recognizing but also valuing and significantly integrating prior knowledge into the teaching process. Ultimately, it argues that the methodological approach to prior knowledge can contribute to more meaningful mathematics education by connecting the subject with students' sociocultural context. The conclusions aim to foster a more effective and relevant mathematical education for all students.
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conhecimentos prévios , ensino de frações , aprendizagem significativa , concepções de ensino de matemática. , prior knowledge , fraction instruction , meaningful learning , mathematical teaching conceptions.