Infraestruturas dos serviços de telecomunicação e informação como indutoras de instrumentos urbanísticos inovadores de regulamentação na criação das novas centralidades urbanas : caso de estudo o bairro de Itaquera da Cidade de São Paulo

dc.contributor.advisorBruna, Gilda Collet
dc.contributor.authorDaou, Gabriel Claude Joseph
dc.description.abstractSince urban infrastructures are one of the fundamental aspects of urban development, it can be understood that they are essential for the development of new urban and metropolitan centralities. The public authorities, using its prerogatives for directing and managing the soil, subsoil and municipal public airspace, can and should make use of urbanistic instruments, such as those induced by the new infrastructures of information and telecommunication, and thus direct the projects of the future expansions and Urban regeneration, creating vectors for the creation of a new type of centralities typical of smart cities - "Smart Cities" in the municipality and with that to induce increment of local economic growth, generating jobs. For this study, the region of Itaquera was chosen as a spatial clipping in the city of São Paulo, because it was recently an area that was impacted by a large number of public works that aimed to adapt it to the implantation of Arena Itaquera, one of the headquarters of the Games of the Soccer World Cup in 2014, in addition to being included as focal point of the East Technological Park, foreseen in the revision approved on 06/30/2014, of the Strategic Master Plan of São Paulo. In the first chapter, through a historical retrospective, we tried to relate the advance of the cities with the advances of the infrastructures from the most traditional to the most recent ones, the New Technologies of Communication and Information - TIC vital for a new type of city, Smart City. In the second chapter we explored the spatial clipping, Itaquera, characterizing it, recognizing its formation along the time line, from its foundation to the present moment, exploring urban plans, legislations and projects. In the third chapter, we studied telecommunication services, recognizing their classification and functioning and legislation. Finally, the discussion of the relationship between the telecommunications infrastructure and the city was carried out, seeking to recognize the possibility and the necessary elements for the creation of a new type of centrality representative of Smart City - the Intelligent Cityeng
dc.identifier.citationDAOU, Gabriel Claude Joseph. Infraestruturas dos serviços de telecomunicação e informação como indutoras de instrumentos urbanísticos inovadores de regulamentação na criação das novas centralidades urbanas : caso de estudo o bairro de Itaquera da Cidade de São Paulo. 2018. 237 f. Tese (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.por
dc.keywordssmart citieseng
dc.keywordsurban developmeneng
dc.keywordsnew centralitieseng
dc.keywordsurban instrumentseng
dc.keywordstelecommunication infrastructureseng
dc.publisherUniversidade Presbiteriana Mackenziepor
dc.rightsAcesso Restritopor
dc.subjectcidades inteligentespor
dc.subjectdesenvolvimento urbanopor
dc.subjectnovas centralidadespor
dc.subjectinstrumentos urbanísticospor
dc.subjectinfraestrutura de telecomunicaçõespor
dc.titleInfraestruturas dos serviços de telecomunicação e informação como indutoras de instrumentos urbanísticos inovadores de regulamentação na criação das novas centralidades urbanas : caso de estudo o bairro de Itaquera da Cidade de São Paulopor
local.contributor.board1Castro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera de
local.contributor.board2Jorge, Paula Raquel da Rocha
local.contributor.board3Zioni, Silvana Maria
local.contributor.board4Monteiro, Leonardo Marques
local.publisher.departmentFaculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU)por
local.publisher.programArquitetura e Urbanismopor
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