O desafio da universalização do saneamento básico no Brasil e a contribuição da participação popular para a sua efetividade
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Pereira, Luiz Henrique de Castro
Silva, Solange Teles da
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Leuzinger, Marcia Dieguez
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
Junqueira, Michelle Asato
Direito Político e Econômico
Basic sanitation is essential to ensure everyone’s rigth to health and ecologically balanced environment. However, the universalization of basic sanitation is shown as anobjective to be achieved for the consolidation of a citizenship that still remains unfinished. In this contex, the present dissertation, which is partof the line of reserch Citizenship Modeling theState, has the central objective of analyzing the challenge for the universalization of basic sanitation, inquiring about the contribution of popular participation to its effectiveness.Inthe first part of the research, thedifference between basic sanitation and environmental sanitation wasstudied, as well as the relationship between basic sanitation, health and the ecologically balanced environment. Then, the research was dedicated to ownership for the provisionof basic sanitation services, in view ofthe legal framework of sanitation, Law nº 11.445/2007, changed byLaw nº 14.026/2020.In the second part, federal public policies for the sector and the importance of the planning elaboration by the holders of basic services were addressed. Still,theresources necessary foruniversalization, whether public or private, which leads to the study of ways toprovidethese services. Considering the possibility ofprivate initiativeparticipation in the sector, the commercialization of these services wasapproached, with a positive and negative view of their provision, highlightingthe study of regulation in the sector as a way to avoid further damage. Finally, the emergence of thecouncils of different public policieswas investigated, emphazingthe analysis of municipal councils for basic sanitation, including the result of empirical research carried out with Municipalities of the State of São Paulo of up to 50thousandinhabitants that signed agreements with FUNASA, from 2015to 2018. The method adopted was thehypothetical-deductive, since, based on the hypothesespresented in the central objective, andverificationscarried out throughout the dissertation, it was possible to conclude the need toimprove the legal framework of the sectorand raise the awarenessof governement officials abouttoprioritizethese relevant services, in addition to advancesin relation to the social control bodies of basic sanitation so that, in fact,they can assist in the universalization.
saneamento ambiental , saneamento básico , política pública , cidadania , participação popular , Conselhos de saneamento básico
Assuntos Scopus
PEREIRA, Luiz Henrique de Castro. O desafio da universalização do saneamento básico no Brasil e a contribuição da participação popular para a sua efetividade. 2021. 150 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.