O afeto como fonte dos laços familiares: um estudo acerca da multiparentalidade e seus efeitos jurídicos
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Grando, Thaís Canova
Aguirre, João Ricardo Brandão
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O objetivo do presente estudo é demonstrar a possibilidade jurídica da multiparentalidade na atualidade, a qual passou por severa evolução histórica, doutrinária e jurisprudencial para alcançar o patamar em que nos encontramos atualmente, bem como analisar alguns dos possíveis efeitos decorrentes deste reconhecimento, no direito de família e das sucessões. Para chegarmos a tal análise, foi necessário tecer considerações acerca da evolução do conceito de família no Brasil, desde a Constituição do Império até o Código Civil de 2002, assim como analisar o princípio da afetividade, basilar das relações de socioafetividade e multiparentalidade. Também se mostrou imprescindível a busca jurisprudencial acerca do tema, para demonstrar a evolução do conceito de família perante os Tribunais Superiores e avaliar o progresso da possibilidade jurídica da multiparentalidade ao longo dos anos, o que culminou com a decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal no Recurso Extraordinário 898.060 (Repercussão Geral 622). Por fim, foram explanados alguns dos efeitos jurídicos do reconhecimento da multiparentalidade, no âmbito do Direito de Família e Sucessões. A metodologia do presente trabalho consistiu em pesquisa jurisprudencial, com estudos de casos, e pesquisa bibliográfica.
The goal of this monograph is to demonstrate the juridical possibility of multi-paternity nowadays, which went through a severe historical, case law and doctrinaire evolution, in order to reach the baseline we have today, as well as analyzing some of the effects of this recognition, in the Family and Successions law. To be able to develop this analysis, it was necessary to make considerations about the evolution of the concept of family in Brazil, since the Empire Constitution until the Civil Code of 2002, as well as analyzing the principle of affectivity, fundamental for the relations of socio-affectivity and multi-paternity. It was also indispensable to do a case law research of the theme, to demonstrate the evolution of the concept of family in the Supreme Courts and evaluate the progress of the juridical possibility of multi-paternity through the years, which resulted in the decision of the Supremo Tribunal Federal, in the Extraordinary Resource 898.060 (General Repercussion 622). Finally, some of the juridical effects of the recognition of multi-paternity were explained, in the scope of Family and Successions law. The methodology of the present study was bibliographic and case law research.
The goal of this monograph is to demonstrate the juridical possibility of multi-paternity nowadays, which went through a severe historical, case law and doctrinaire evolution, in order to reach the baseline we have today, as well as analyzing some of the effects of this recognition, in the Family and Successions law. To be able to develop this analysis, it was necessary to make considerations about the evolution of the concept of family in Brazil, since the Empire Constitution until the Civil Code of 2002, as well as analyzing the principle of affectivity, fundamental for the relations of socio-affectivity and multi-paternity. It was also indispensable to do a case law research of the theme, to demonstrate the evolution of the concept of family in the Supreme Courts and evaluate the progress of the juridical possibility of multi-paternity through the years, which resulted in the decision of the Supremo Tribunal Federal, in the Extraordinary Resource 898.060 (General Repercussion 622). Finally, some of the juridical effects of the recognition of multi-paternity were explained, in the scope of Family and Successions law. The methodology of the present study was bibliographic and case law research.
multiparentalidade , princípio da afetividade , parentalidade socioafetiva , recurso extraordinário 898.060 , repercussão geral 622 , multi-paternity , principle of affectivity , socio-affectivity , extraordinary resource 898.060 , general repercussion 622