Análise de estudo compartilhado via website
Data de publicação
Citações (Scopus)
Cano, Julio Maximo
Cezar, Leonardo Bacic
Guerra, Rafael Rodrigues
Cezar, Leonardo Bacic
Guerra, Rafael Rodrigues
Barros, Solange Duarte Palma de Sá
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O assunto deste trabalho ´e ajudar pessoas a aprender. Nessa pesquisa
será desenvolvida um website que permita o encontro de quem quer ensinar
com as pessoas que desejam aprender. O assunto pode variar desde
questões acadêmicas até instrumentos musicais, por exemplo. O objetivo é que
as interações aconteçam dentro do website, de forma que se elimine a questão
da distância e espaço físico. Com isso, poderá ser realizada uma troca de conhecimentos
de forma mais simplificada em diversos aspectos como na praticidade
para realizar essas ajudas ou até mesmo fazer com que as pessoas experimentem
outras formas de ensino para tentar aprender de forma mais simples.
This research is about helping people to learn. In this research it will be developed a new website that allows people to search and find other people to help them on learning something of their interest as academic subjects or even non academic things such as instruments, languages or else. The main objective is to provide those interactions in the website, in a way that it solves the problems of needing a meeting or a place to have these meetings. In that way, those exchange of knowledge could happen in a easier way, so people can talk and decide when to meet in the website to realize the “classroom”.
This research is about helping people to learn. In this research it will be developed a new website that allows people to search and find other people to help them on learning something of their interest as academic subjects or even non academic things such as instruments, languages or else. The main objective is to provide those interactions in the website, in a way that it solves the problems of needing a meeting or a place to have these meetings. In that way, those exchange of knowledge could happen in a easier way, so people can talk and decide when to meet in the website to realize the “classroom”.
aprender , ensinar , interações , pessoas , aplicação , help , learn , interactions , people , website