A contribuição da pregação expositiva para a revitalização da igreja
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Santos, Manoel Bezerra dos
Cardoso, Dario de Araujo
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Quando olhamos para cenário das igrejas brasileiras sentimos que o declínio está diante de todos (na grande maioria nas igrejas na periferia dos grandes centros e em pequenas cidades), o interessante é que a grande maioria da liderança, fazem-se de desavisados, mas os problemas não desaparecerão com essas atitudes, igrejas fracas espiritualmente, e fracas doutrinariamente, precisando desesperadamente por uma reforma ministerial, necessitando de uma revitalização urgente. E como bem temos uma ferramenta que corrobora para a verdadeira ministração a igreja e o verdadeiro ensino desatrelado do homem, e visando a glória de Deus e a edificação da igreja, através dos benefícios que a pregação expositiva oferece, àqueles que desejam esses benefícios, sendo assim ela evita heresias em meio a comunidade do povo de Deus. Contando com o pastor como aquele que é o responsáveis pela revitalização da igreja a qual ele estar inserido tendo que aplicar todo o desígnio do Senhor a sua comunidade, curando assim as enfermidades contraídas ao longo da sua vida, e também, as dificuldade que enfrentaram a longo do processo, e agora deve-se aplicar um novo processo para que essa igreja possa reviver os dias de alegrias, essas comunidades já foram algum dia no passado, igrejas bem sucedidas, mas agora vivem dias de agonia, precisamos olhar para o futuro, para avançarmos, mas sem esquecer o passado, pois vendo que causou todas essas dificuldades. As ferramentas são postas pelo Senhor da igreja, vamos fazer por onde a igreja possa reviver, aquilo que já viveu, sendo que agora com mais disciplina, e atenção para não voltarmos ao mesmo estado que vivemos hoje.
When we look at the scenario of Brazilian churches we feel that the decline is in front of everyone (the vast majority in churches on the outskirts of large centers and in small cities), the interesting thing is that the vast majority of the leadership are unaware, but the Problems will not disappear with these attitudes, churches that are spiritually weak and doctrinally weak, desperately needing ministerial reform, needing urgent revitalization. And how well we have a tool that corroborates true ministry to the church and true teaching untethered from man, and aiming for the glory of God and the edification of the church, through the benefits that expository preaching offers, to those who desire these benefits, being thus she avoids heresies among the community of God's people. Counting on the pastor as the one who is responsible for the revitalization of the church in which he is part, having to apply all of the Lord's design to his community, thus curing the illnesses contracted throughout his life, and also the difficulties he faced during the throughout the process, and now a new process must be applied so that this church can relive the days of joy, these communities were once in the past, successful churches, but now they are experiencing days of agony, we need to look to the future, to move forward, but without forgetting the past, seeing that it caused all these difficulties. The tools are put in place by the Lord of the church, let's do so that the church can revive what it has already experienced, now with more discipline and attention so that we don't return to the same state we live in today.
When we look at the scenario of Brazilian churches we feel that the decline is in front of everyone (the vast majority in churches on the outskirts of large centers and in small cities), the interesting thing is that the vast majority of the leadership are unaware, but the Problems will not disappear with these attitudes, churches that are spiritually weak and doctrinally weak, desperately needing ministerial reform, needing urgent revitalization. And how well we have a tool that corroborates true ministry to the church and true teaching untethered from man, and aiming for the glory of God and the edification of the church, through the benefits that expository preaching offers, to those who desire these benefits, being thus she avoids heresies among the community of God's people. Counting on the pastor as the one who is responsible for the revitalization of the church in which he is part, having to apply all of the Lord's design to his community, thus curing the illnesses contracted throughout his life, and also the difficulties he faced during the throughout the process, and now a new process must be applied so that this church can relive the days of joy, these communities were once in the past, successful churches, but now they are experiencing days of agony, we need to look to the future, to move forward, but without forgetting the past, seeing that it caused all these difficulties. The tools are put in place by the Lord of the church, let's do so that the church can revive what it has already experienced, now with more discipline and attention so that we don't return to the same state we live in today.
igreja , pregação expositiva , revitalização , church , expository preaching , revitalization