Desenvolvimento econômico regional para construção da cidadania mercosuriana: experiência das migrações na tríplice fronteira
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Raimo, Vania Bogado de Souza Di
Menezes, Daniel Francisco Nagao
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Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
Vedovato, Luís Renato
Vedovato, Luís Renato
Direito Político e Econômico
This present paper analyzes the context of Citizenship in Latin America from the geographical delimitation of the Triple Border - Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay. Initially, an overview of Darcy Ribeiro's vision regarding the civilization process of Latin America and underdevelopment arising from the processes of regional colonization and the idea of the possibility of integration and formation of an autonomous socio-political unit developed through the recognition of a common identity among the nationals of the countries of the region, which would enable progress and peace. Mercosur is presented as an international juridical structure for the promotion of regional development that transcends the commercial bias and becomes an instrument of social transformation in the realization of citizenship rights, specifically the regional one, called Mercosurian. And, in the end, the idea of a formal regional citizenship, which links national states and their citizens and foreigners from the States Parties, is opposed to a citizenship that is also material for the equalization of civil, political and social rights, given the dichotomies of Legal orders and public policies of each state, which constitutes the main challenge to be overcome as to the effectiveness of citizenship rights in Mercosur, especially in and for the region of the Triple Frontier. The methodology used is bibliographical. The form of the research approach is socioeconomic and legal.
América Latina , desenvolvimento , Mercosul , cidadania , tríplice fronteira
Assuntos Scopus
RAIMO, Vania Bogado de Souza Di. Desenvolvimento econômico regional para construção da cidadania mercosuriana: experiência das migrações na tríplice fronteira. 2017. 111 f. Dissertação (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.