Os colportores e sua missão: uma análise do trabalho missionário dos colportadores no território brasileiro
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Biazon, Claudio
Matos, Alderi Souza de
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A história dos colportores é pouco contada em nosso meio, muitos nunca ouviram falar deste nome. Os colportores foram heróis pioneiros na evangelização do Brasil em um período anterior à chegada dos primeiros missionários no país. O seu trabalho, junto com as sociedades bíblicas estrangeiras, era vender Bíblias, Folhetos e Literaturas editadas por organizações protestantes. A presente monografia visa demonstrar a importância do trabalho evangelísticas destes homens, que ao vender as Escrituras, liam e ensinavam seu texto por onde passavam, deixando a colheita pronta para os missionários que viriam posteriormente.
The history of colporteurs isn’t told much nowadays. Many have never heard of this name before. Colporteurs were pioneering heroes in the evangelization of Brazil in a period before the arrival of the first missionaries in the country. Their job, along with the foreign Bible societies, was to sell Bibles, pamphlets, and religious literature published by Protestant organizations. The present monograph aims to demonstrate the importance of the evangelistic work of these men, who, when selling the Scriptures, read and taught their content wherever they went, leaving the harvest ready for the missionaries who would come later.
The history of colporteurs isn’t told much nowadays. Many have never heard of this name before. Colporteurs were pioneering heroes in the evangelization of Brazil in a period before the arrival of the first missionaries in the country. Their job, along with the foreign Bible societies, was to sell Bibles, pamphlets, and religious literature published by Protestant organizations. The present monograph aims to demonstrate the importance of the evangelistic work of these men, who, when selling the Scriptures, read and taught their content wherever they went, leaving the harvest ready for the missionaries who would come later.
colportores , literatura , missão , colporteurs , literature , mission , Bíblia , Bible