Patrimônio cultural e iluminação urbana: diretrizes de intervenção luminotécnica no centro histórico de São Cristovão, Sergipe
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Moisinho Filho, Elso de Freitas
Simões Júnior, José Geraldo
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Carrilho, Marcos José
Lefévre, José Eduardo de Assis
Lefévre, José Eduardo de Assis
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This research which deals with the development of lighting guidelines for the historic and traditional downtown of the city of São Cristóvão, in Sergipe, is based on global context of cultural landscape, geographic, social, economic and historical of this cityand develop recommendations for interventions in this sector of the city mentioned , taking into account the preservation of the ambiance and creating an atmosphere of patrimonial valorization. This study includes also the concept of sustainable development in planning illumination set by L'Ubanisme Lumiere, European model, confering local characteristics to the light urban intervention. The first two chapters characterize the object to be studied, presenting specific local characteristics, urban development and historical importance of this city of the state of Sergipe, in order to provide theoretical support for the formulation of an approach consistent with reality. The following chapter promotes a reflection on the functional characteristics and qualification of the urban environment, reporting technical data as explaining an example of the use of lighting as a tool for valuing patrimonial cities, speaking also on the concepts of American and European illumination intervention. Finally, the fourth chapter outlines strategies and guidelines that promote the improvement of the urban night spots in the historical center of São Cristóvão, in an attempt to rescue the memory of the state of Sergipe and its architectural monuments.
iluminação artificial urbana , iluminação patrimonial , L Urbanisme Lumiere , City Beautification , São Cristovão SE , artificial urban lighting