Uso da internet como ferramenta de aprendizagem da língua inglesa: um guia de self-learning
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Gouveia, Deborah Cristina Pires
Demichelli, Maurício
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A língua inglesa, como idioma global, tem integrado a vida dos brasileiros de forma cada vez mais significante. Seja para fins profissionais ou de entretenimento, o idioma faz parte da vida em diversosâmbitos. Entretanto, váriosaspectos da realidade brasileira muitas vezes não permitem que o indivíduo desenvolva essa habilidade em uma escola de idiomas, com professores que orientam e acompanham o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Nesse contexto, muitascrianças, jovens e adultos acabam por optar pelo ensino autodidata, que tem crescido cada vez mais, principalmente em tempos de pandemia, como foi em 2020-2022. A internet tem um grande papel nesse cenário. Por meio dela, muitos que antes não poderiam desenvolver as habilidades em língua inglesa com o auxílio de um professor (por diversos motivos) puderam se integrar nesse mundo de novos conhecimentos. Esse trabalho traz uma visão geral de como a população brasileira lida com a língua inglesa, os motivos que a levou a aderir essa nova prática e, em uma situação na qual não é possível o acompanhamento de um professor, essa pesquisa propõe um guia para adolescentes (de 11 a 13 anos) que buscam aprender a língua inglesa de maneira autodidatacomo forma de incentivo para o desenvolvimento da capacidade comunicativa em um segundo idioma.
As a global language, English has been a part of Brazilian people’s lives in an increasingly significant way. Whether for professional or entertainment purposes, the language is part of life in several areas. However, several aspects of the Brazilian reality often do not allow the development of the skill in a language school, with teachers who guide and accompany the teaching-learning process.In this context, many children, young people, and adults end up opting for self-education, which has been growing more and more, especially in times of pandemic, as it was in 2020-2022.The Internet plays a big role in this scenario.Through it, many who could not previously develop their English language skills with the help of a teacher (for various reasons) have been able to integrate into this world of new knowledge.This research provides an overview of how the Brazilian population deals with the English language, the reasons that led them to adopt this new practice and, in a situation in which it is not possible to beaccompanied by a teacher, this work proposes a guide for teenagers (11 to 13 years old) who seek to learn the language on their own as an incentive to develop their ability to communicate in a second language.
As a global language, English has been a part of Brazilian people’s lives in an increasingly significant way. Whether for professional or entertainment purposes, the language is part of life in several areas. However, several aspects of the Brazilian reality often do not allow the development of the skill in a language school, with teachers who guide and accompany the teaching-learning process.In this context, many children, young people, and adults end up opting for self-education, which has been growing more and more, especially in times of pandemic, as it was in 2020-2022.The Internet plays a big role in this scenario.Through it, many who could not previously develop their English language skills with the help of a teacher (for various reasons) have been able to integrate into this world of new knowledge.This research provides an overview of how the Brazilian population deals with the English language, the reasons that led them to adopt this new practice and, in a situation in which it is not possible to beaccompanied by a teacher, this work proposes a guide for teenagers (11 to 13 years old) who seek to learn the language on their own as an incentive to develop their ability to communicate in a second language.
internet , autodidatismo , língua Inglesa , ferramenta de aprendizagem , self-teaching , english language