Acesso negado: relatório de realização de uma narrativa transmidiática a respeito da exclusão digital que segrega parte da população
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Silva, Paula Faria
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Este relatório deu base à uma narrativa jornalística transmidiática, em que foram disponibilizados vídeos, áudios e textos, abordando o tema da exclusão digital — que acontece quando um grupo de pessoas, que não consegue se inserir no meio tecnológico, é completamente excluído — se trata de um tema com demasiada importância para sociedade, pois poucos se preocupam com o abismo que esse tipo de segregação pode abrir. O objetivo desse relatório é mostrar um contexto geral a partir do tema, coletar dados sobre o assunto, dar uma explicação da ideia de exclusão digital, evidenciar a realidade de restrição de oportunidades que os excluídos vivem e, inclusive, de desigualdade social ainda mais acentuada, apresentar soluções práticas para a inclusão e disponibilizar materiais que poderão ser distribuídos para auxiliar pessoas no uso de aplicativos. Para a estruturação do relatório foi utilizada uma metodologia baseada em leituras de artigos e obras bibliográficas sobre o tema, amostra da população usando de um questionário elaborado através do Google Forms, além de entrevistas com personagens de diferentes faixas etárias, raças, profissões e gênero. Em suma, os resultados obtidos a partir das pesquisas, mostram que a falta de acesso às tecnologias podem acontecer por conta de diversos fatores, como renda, idade, condições físicas ou mentais, porém, independente da razão, as consequências são muito ruins em diversos âmbitos das vidas dos excluídos, como falta de oportunidades no mercado de trabalho, afastamento dessa parte da população, prejuízo no aprendizado de alguns indivíduos, entre outros aspectos que são expostos ao longo do relatório.
This report will provide the basis for a transmedia journalistic narrative, in which videos, audios and texts will be made available, addressing the topic of digital exclusion - which happens when a group of people, who are unable to enter the technological milieu, is completely excluded - this is a topic extremely important for society, as few are concerned with the chasm that this type of segregation can open.The purpose of this report is to show a general context based on the theme, collect data on the subject, explain the idea of digital exclusion, highlight the reality of restricted opportunities that the excluded live on, and even of even greater social inequality, present practical solutions for inclusion and make available materials that can be distributed to assist people in the use of applications. To structure the report, a methodology based on readings of articles and bibliographic works on the theme was used, a sample of the population using a questionnaire prepared through Google Forms, in addition to interviews with characters of different age groups, races, professions and gender. In short, the results obtained from the surveys show that the lack of access to technologies can happen due to several factors, such as income, age, physical or mental conditions, however, regardless of the reason, the consequences are very bad in several areas of the lives of the excluded, such as lack of opportunities in the labor market, distance from this part of the population, impairment in the learning of some individuals, among other aspects that are exposed throughout the report.
This report will provide the basis for a transmedia journalistic narrative, in which videos, audios and texts will be made available, addressing the topic of digital exclusion - which happens when a group of people, who are unable to enter the technological milieu, is completely excluded - this is a topic extremely important for society, as few are concerned with the chasm that this type of segregation can open.The purpose of this report is to show a general context based on the theme, collect data on the subject, explain the idea of digital exclusion, highlight the reality of restricted opportunities that the excluded live on, and even of even greater social inequality, present practical solutions for inclusion and make available materials that can be distributed to assist people in the use of applications. To structure the report, a methodology based on readings of articles and bibliographic works on the theme was used, a sample of the population using a questionnaire prepared through Google Forms, in addition to interviews with characters of different age groups, races, professions and gender. In short, the results obtained from the surveys show that the lack of access to technologies can happen due to several factors, such as income, age, physical or mental conditions, however, regardless of the reason, the consequences are very bad in several areas of the lives of the excluded, such as lack of opportunities in the labor market, distance from this part of the population, impairment in the learning of some individuals, among other aspects that are exposed throughout the report.
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exclusão digital , jornalismo , desigualdade , digital exclusion , journalism , inequality