Canais de financiamento privado no agronegócio: uma análise à luz da Constituição Federal de 1988 e do desenvolvimento normativo publicado até a lei nº 13.986/2020
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Ferrari, Beatriz Camargo
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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Membros da banca
O presente artigo abordará as técnicas de investigação teórica e legislativa, com o objetivo de analisar a evolução do sistema de financiamento no agronegócio e as principais alterações trazidas pela legislação publicada até a Lei 13.986/2020, ao sistema de financiamento privado do agronegócio. Resultante da MP 897/19, a evolução consolidada até a vigência da nova lei promulgada em 2020 criou novos tipos de garantia de crédito no agronegócio; a Cédula de Produto Rural (CPR) – Física, CPR – Financeira, o Certificado de Depósito Agropecuário (CDA), Warrant Agropecuário (WA), os Certificados de Direitos Creditórios do Agronegócio (CDCA), a Letra de Crédito do Agronegócio (LCA) e o Certificado de Recebíveis do Agronegócio (CRA). Conclui-se, portanto, que a Lei 13.986/2020 trouxe importantes mudanças à legislação de financiamento privado do agronegócio, visto que, ao disponibilizar novos instrumentos, com garantias melhores aos credores, e por consequência, uma maior segurança jurídica, tornando-se mais atraente para o dinheiro privado, dessa forma, a nova estrutura legal pretende reduzir a dependência de recursos públicos para o financiamento rural.
This article will address theoretical and legislative research techniques, with the objective of analyzing the main changes brought by the normative evolution until the publication of the Law 13.986/2020, to the agribusiness private financing system. Resulting from MP 897/19, the consolidated evolution until the new law came into effect t created new types of agricultural credit guarantee; the Rural Producer Certificate (CPR) – Physical, CPR-Financial, the Agricultural Deposit Certificate (CDA), Agricultural Warrant (WA), the Agribusiness Credit Rights Certificates (CDCA), the Agribusiness Letter of Credit (LCA) and the Agribusiness Receivables Certificate (CRA). It is concluded, therefore, that Law 13.986/2020 brought important changes to the legislation of private agribusiness financing, since, by making new instruments available, with greater guarantees to creditors, and also, greater legal certainty and, consequently, a more attractive to private money, in this way, the new legal structure intends to reduce dependence on public resources for rural financing.
This article will address theoretical and legislative research techniques, with the objective of analyzing the main changes brought by the normative evolution until the publication of the Law 13.986/2020, to the agribusiness private financing system. Resulting from MP 897/19, the consolidated evolution until the new law came into effect t created new types of agricultural credit guarantee; the Rural Producer Certificate (CPR) – Physical, CPR-Financial, the Agricultural Deposit Certificate (CDA), Agricultural Warrant (WA), the Agribusiness Credit Rights Certificates (CDCA), the Agribusiness Letter of Credit (LCA) and the Agribusiness Receivables Certificate (CRA). It is concluded, therefore, that Law 13.986/2020 brought important changes to the legislation of private agribusiness financing, since, by making new instruments available, with greater guarantees to creditors, and also, greater legal certainty and, consequently, a more attractive to private money, in this way, the new legal structure intends to reduce dependence on public resources for rural financing.
Indicado ao prêmio e a publicação
financiamento privado , agronegócio , lei 13.986/2020 , private financing , agribusiness , law 13,986/2020