A representação e recepção de relações abusivas em quadrinhos sul-coreanos do gênero boys love
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Chiconelli, Luiza Alonso Correa da Costa
Duarte, Marcos Nepomuceno
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Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar as representações de relacionamentos abusivos em quadrinhos sul-coreanos do gênero Boys Love(BL),o consumo destes quadrinhos, principalmente por audiências menores de idade e os possíveis riscos que este consumo pode vir a ter para essas jovens leitoras. Para tal, partiremos de uma contextualização histórica (origens e contemporaneidade do gênero), falaremos das especificidades dos quadrinhos BL na Coreia do Sul e em outros países asiáticos, traremos um breve panorama do que são relacionamentos abusivos e como eles aparecem nas obras de ficção. Em seguida, colocaremos em foco a questão do público leitor e as ideias de autor-modelo e leitor-modelo, cunhadas por Umberto Eco(1993). A partir desta contextualização, comentaremos sobre o gatilho comportamental que motiva as leitoras a consumirem e produzirem conteúdos que se enquadram no gênero BL, o que nos levará à discussão acerca da pirataria não comercial promovida pelas comunidades on-line chamadas scanlationse, por fim, discutiremos, brevemente, sobre os possíveis riscos à jovem leitora do gênero que consome obras que possuem representações de relacionamentos abusivos, tendo como principais aportes teóricos Gailbraith (2011), Coy (2021) e Alves (2003), bem como outros textos por eles citados.
This work aims to study the representations of abusive relationships in South Korean Boys Love (BL) comics, theirconsumption,mainly by underage audiences and the possible risks that said consumption may have for these young readers.To this end, we will start from a historical contextualization(origins and contemporaneity of the genre), then we will talk about the specifics of BL comics in South Korea and in other Asian countries, then we will bring a brief overview of what abusive relationships are and how they appear in these works of fiction. Next, we will focus onthe public and the ideas of model author and model reader, coined by Umberto Eco (1993). From this contextualization, we will comment on the behavioral trigger that motivates readers to consume and produce content that fits the BL genre, which will lead us to the discussion about non-commercial piracy promoted by online communities called scanlations and, finally, we will briefly discuss the possible riskspresentedto the young readers, whomconsume works that have representations of abusive relationships, having as main theoretical referencesGailbraith(2011), Coy (2021) and Alves (2003), as well as other texts cited by them.
This work aims to study the representations of abusive relationships in South Korean Boys Love (BL) comics, theirconsumption,mainly by underage audiences and the possible risks that said consumption may have for these young readers.To this end, we will start from a historical contextualization(origins and contemporaneity of the genre), then we will talk about the specifics of BL comics in South Korea and in other Asian countries, then we will bring a brief overview of what abusive relationships are and how they appear in these works of fiction. Next, we will focus onthe public and the ideas of model author and model reader, coined by Umberto Eco (1993). From this contextualization, we will comment on the behavioral trigger that motivates readers to consume and produce content that fits the BL genre, which will lead us to the discussion about non-commercial piracy promoted by online communities called scanlations and, finally, we will briefly discuss the possible riskspresentedto the young readers, whomconsume works that have representations of abusive relationships, having as main theoretical referencesGailbraith(2011), Coy (2021) and Alves (2003), as well as other texts cited by them.
BL , Boys Love , manhwa , webtoons , relacionamentos , abusivos , scanlations , abusive relationships , scanlations