A expressão do significado concessivo no português brasileiro: as construções gramaticais na interface com padrões e sistemas cognitivos

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Coneglian, André Vinicius Lopes
Neves , Maria Helena de Moura
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Barros, Diana Luz Pessoa de
Hilgert, José Gaston
Módolo, Marcelo
Antonio, Juliano Desiderato
This dissertation investigates the expression of concessive meaning in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese, looking at the variety and diversity of means through which such meaning might be construed. The cognitive-functional framework adopted here puts focus on the multi-functionality of grammatical constructions, the sociocognitive motivation of meaning, and the interface between syntax, semantics and pragmatics. The general orientation of this study is to explicate the interface between cognitive patterns involved in the construction of grammatical meaning. The corpus of analysis is formed of utterance gathered from different sourced of actual language use. Within this broad theoretical-methodological framework, we propose a distinction between two constructional types for expressing concessiveness: a first group of conventionalized constructions (the traditional adverbial constructions), and a second group of non-conventionalized construction, which range in instantiation from causal to modal domains. The main goal of this dissertation is to provide a general description of the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects of concessive constructions in Brazilian Portuguese. In this direction, the main hypothesis, that is confirmed throughout the work, is that the semantic properties of concessive constructions may be explicated in force dynamics terms. The general conclusions are: a) a concessive matrix provides the semantic properties that define the conceptual factors at play in construing concessive meaning; b) semantic properties of concessiveness, such as ineffective cause, insufficient condition, fall under force-dynamics systems; c) the meaning of concessive constructions is achieved by either accessing global or partial schemas of concessivity.
concessividade , dinâmica de forças , construção gramatical , composicionalidade , verbalização da experiência
Assuntos Scopus
CONEGLIAN, André Vinicius Lopes. A expressão do significado concessivo no português brasileiro: as construções gramaticais na interface com padrões e sistemas cognitivos. 2019. 125 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2019.