A cultura digital e a aprendizagem: limites e possibilidades para o ensino no século XXI
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Silva, Débora Lucas Oliveira da
Lopes, Ana Lucia de Souza
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As Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação foram disseminadas de forma, que se
fazem extremamente necessárias por grande parcela da sociedade. As crianças já nascem
tendo acesso aos dispositivos eletrônicos, de forma que não é possível que a escola deixe a
tecnologia fora do seu processo de ensino aprendizagem. O presente estudo buscou
compreender através de uma revisão bibliográfica e documental as possibilidades e limites
sobre o uso dessas tecnologias no Ensino Fundamental. Identificou-se que a tecnologia, já é
um eixo de relevante na aprendizagem das crianças e adolescentes, e por isso deve ser
utilizada também na escola, se considerados os seguintes pontos: 1 - Considerar o uso das
tecnologias atreladas ao uso de metodologias de aprendizagem ativa, como a comunidade de
aprendizagem, a sala de aula invertida, a investigação, o uso de problemas, os projetos, as
histórias e os jogos; 2 - O papel fundamental de mentor e tutor do professor bem preparado
que permita ao aluno um lugar de personagem principal no processo de aprendizagem; 3 -
Conscientização e cuidado frente aos riscos que o uso excessivo dos dispositivos eletrônicos,
principalmente os que possuem telas azuis, causam à saúde física, psíquica e emocional dos
alunos e consequentemente na aprendizagem; 4 – O papel essencial da escola, na capacitação
de profissionais, na mudança de cultura escolar, no bom planejamento do uso das tecnologias
nas práticas pedagógicas, e na divisão do tempo de uso de tecnologias entre escola, família e
demais atividades, visando principalmente a integridade dos alunos do Ensino Fundamental.
The Digital Technologies of Information and Communication were disseminated in a way that are extremely necessary by a large portion of society. Children are born with access to electronic devices, so it is not possible for the school to leave technology out of its teaching-learning process. This study sought to understand, through a bibliographical and documental review, the possibilities and limits on the use of these technologies in Elementary School. It was identified that technology is already a relevant axis in the learning of children and adolescents, therefore it should also be used at school, considering the following points: 1 - Consider the use of technologies linked to the use of active learning methodologies, such as the learning community, the inverted classroom, the investigation, the using of problems, the projects, the stories and the games; 2 - The fundamental role of mentor and tutor to the well-prepared teacher that allows the student a place as the main character in the learning process; 3 - Awareness and care regarding to the risks of the excessive use of electronic devices, especially what those with blue screens can cause to the physical, psychological and emotional health of students and consequently, to the learning process as a whole 4 - The essential role of the school, in the training of professionals, in the change of the school culture, in a better planning of the use of technologies in pedagogical practices as well as, in the division of time for the use of tech between school, family and other activities, mainly aiming at integrity of elementary school students
The Digital Technologies of Information and Communication were disseminated in a way that are extremely necessary by a large portion of society. Children are born with access to electronic devices, so it is not possible for the school to leave technology out of its teaching-learning process. This study sought to understand, through a bibliographical and documental review, the possibilities and limits on the use of these technologies in Elementary School. It was identified that technology is already a relevant axis in the learning of children and adolescents, therefore it should also be used at school, considering the following points: 1 - Consider the use of technologies linked to the use of active learning methodologies, such as the learning community, the inverted classroom, the investigation, the using of problems, the projects, the stories and the games; 2 - The fundamental role of mentor and tutor to the well-prepared teacher that allows the student a place as the main character in the learning process; 3 - Awareness and care regarding to the risks of the excessive use of electronic devices, especially what those with blue screens can cause to the physical, psychological and emotional health of students and consequently, to the learning process as a whole 4 - The essential role of the school, in the training of professionals, in the change of the school culture, in a better planning of the use of technologies in pedagogical practices as well as, in the division of time for the use of tech between school, family and other activities, mainly aiming at integrity of elementary school students
tecnologias digitais , telas azuis , ensino fundamental , aprendizagem ativa , conscientização , digital technologies , blue screens , elementary school , active learning , awarenes