Avaliação do consumo de suplementos em praticantes de atividade física no estado de São Paulo
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Abreu, Felipe Almeida de
Rezende, Larissa Sanchez
Rezende, Larissa Sanchez
Caperuto, Érico Chagas
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Introdução: A prática de atividade física vem se tornando crescente, com esse
aumento, algumas pesquisas realizadas com atletas de elite demonstraram que
alguns suplementos podem minimizar o desgaste causado por exercícios
intensos. Nutrição e atividade física têm uma importante relação, pois através de
uma nutrição adequada com ingestão equilibrada de todos os nutrientes é
possível melhorar a capacidade de rendimento do organismo. As informações
sobre os suplementos alimentares que compartilham aos praticantes de
atividade física geralmente são fornecidas por pessoas que não tem
conhecimento adequado sobre nutrição esportiva. Objetivo: O objetivo deste
trabalho foi avaliar o consumo de suplementos nutricionais em geral e
suplementos utilizados em pré-treino entre praticantes de atividade física,
mediante análise do número de consumidores, a faixa etária e o nível de
escolaridade onde ocorre o maior uso, os tipos de produtos ingeridos, as fontes
de orientação de consumo, a finalidade do uso, as modalidades esportivas mais
praticadas. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal descritivo, onde o
instrumento de coleta é um questionário online com 20 perguntas adaptado do
questionário elaborado por SCHNEIDER et al., que avaliou o consumo de
suplementos nutricionais por praticantes de exercício físico em academias de
musculação de Balneário Camboriú- SC, a coleta de dados foi realizada entre os
meses de janeiro e maio de 2019. Resultados e discussão: Por meio da
avaliação do questionário obteve-se 51 participantes, sendo sua maioria do
gênero masculino (56,9%), com a maior faixa etária entre 18 e 25 anos (70,6%),
com escolaridade de nível superior (70,6%). A maior parte da amostra, pratica a
mais de 1 ano (60,8%), e o principal objetivo dessa prática é ganhar/definir
músculos e/ou aumentar massa muscular (41,2%). Apenas 22 indivíduos fazem
o uso de suplementos alimentares, sendo objetivo principal o ganho de massa
muscular (68,2%). Conclusão: O consumo de suplementos pelos
frequentadores de academias é elevado, muitas vezes sem uma orientação
especializada e adequada, a maioria das pessoas entrevistadas fazem atividade
física com um foco maior em crescimento muscular, saúde e emagrecimento.
Mesmo que o presente estudo tenha demonstrado bons resultados, ainda há
muitas prescrições feitas por pessoas/profissionais que não possuem
competência para tal, é necessário a presença de nutricionistas dentro de
academias e locais de práticas esportivas para orientação alimentar e uso de tais
suplementos alimentares.
Introduction: The practice of physical activity is becoming increasing, with this increase, some research conducted with elite athletes have shown that some supplements can minimize the wear and tear caused by intense exercise. Nutrition and physical activity have an important relationship, because through proper nutrition with balanced intake of all nutrients it is possible to improve the body's ability to yield. Information about dietary supplements they share with physical activity practitioners is often provided by people who do not have adequate knowledge about sports nutrition. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the consumption of nutritional supplements in general and supplements used in pre-workout among physical activity practitioners, by analyzing the number of consumers, the age group and the level of schooling where the greatest use occurs, the types of products ingested, the sources of consumer orientation, the purpose of the use, the most practiced sports modalities. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, where the collection instrument is an online questionnaire with 20 questions adapted from the questionnaire prepared by SCHNEIDER et al., Which evaluated the consumption of nutritional supplements by physical exercise practitioners in gymnasiums of Balneário Camboriú-SC, data collection was carried out between January and May 2019. Results and discussion: Through the evaluation of the questionnaire, 51 participants were obtained, most of them male (56.9%), with the highest age group between 18 and 25 years old (70.6%), with higher level education (70.6%). The majority of the sample practices more than 1 year (60.8%), and the main objective of this practice is to gain / define muscles and / or increase muscle mass (41.2%). Only 22 individuals use dietary supplements, and the main goal is to gain muscle mass (68.2%). Conclusion: The consumption of supplements by gymgoers is high, often without proper and specialized guidance, most people interviewed do physical activity with a greater focus on muscle growth, health, and weight loss. Even though the present study has shown good results, there are still many prescriptions made by people / professionals who do not have the competence to do so, it is necessary the presence of nutritionists inside gyms and places of sports practices for food guidance and use of such food supplements.
Introduction: The practice of physical activity is becoming increasing, with this increase, some research conducted with elite athletes have shown that some supplements can minimize the wear and tear caused by intense exercise. Nutrition and physical activity have an important relationship, because through proper nutrition with balanced intake of all nutrients it is possible to improve the body's ability to yield. Information about dietary supplements they share with physical activity practitioners is often provided by people who do not have adequate knowledge about sports nutrition. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the consumption of nutritional supplements in general and supplements used in pre-workout among physical activity practitioners, by analyzing the number of consumers, the age group and the level of schooling where the greatest use occurs, the types of products ingested, the sources of consumer orientation, the purpose of the use, the most practiced sports modalities. Methodology: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study, where the collection instrument is an online questionnaire with 20 questions adapted from the questionnaire prepared by SCHNEIDER et al., Which evaluated the consumption of nutritional supplements by physical exercise practitioners in gymnasiums of Balneário Camboriú-SC, data collection was carried out between January and May 2019. Results and discussion: Through the evaluation of the questionnaire, 51 participants were obtained, most of them male (56.9%), with the highest age group between 18 and 25 years old (70.6%), with higher level education (70.6%). The majority of the sample practices more than 1 year (60.8%), and the main objective of this practice is to gain / define muscles and / or increase muscle mass (41.2%). Only 22 individuals use dietary supplements, and the main goal is to gain muscle mass (68.2%). Conclusion: The consumption of supplements by gymgoers is high, often without proper and specialized guidance, most people interviewed do physical activity with a greater focus on muscle growth, health, and weight loss. Even though the present study has shown good results, there are still many prescriptions made by people / professionals who do not have the competence to do so, it is necessary the presence of nutritionists inside gyms and places of sports practices for food guidance and use of such food supplements.
suplemento alimentar , atividade física , conhecimento nutricional , food supplement , physical activity , nutritional knowledge