Caracterização de colaboradores de unidades de alimentação e nutrição
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Araujo, Ana Carolina Pereira Rodrigues de
Spinelli, Mônica Glória Neumann
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Introdução: Somente o Setor de Refeições Coletivas emprega 210 mil
colaboradores (ABERC 2018) e a ABRASEL – Associação Brasileira de Bares e
Restaurantes (2018) estima que este setor seja responsável por 6 milhões de
empregos diretos, sendo esta uma área responsável pela porta de entrada no
mercado de trabalho. São escassos, porém, os estudos que traçam um perfil destes
colaboradores. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar os
colaboradores de Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição. Metodologia: Estudo
transversal, de prevalência, com 104 colaboradores de uma unidade de alimentação
e nutrição comercial, distribuída em quatro pontos diferentes, no ano de 2019, com
aplicação de um questionário estruturado com dados sociodemográficos,
antropométricos, condições de trabalho, saúde e alimentação. Resultados: O
gênero prevalente foi o masculino representado por 67,3%, estado civil solteiro -
55,8 % e a menor prevalência foi para a união estável – 1,0%. Quanto à
escolaridade prevaleceu o ensino médio - 55,8% e a menor foi o ensino superior
com 16,4%. Em relação à formação secundária, a menor foi a de inglês, 42% não
tinham outra formação e 32% foram a somatória de outros tipos. Não apresentaram
nenhum problema de saúde – 97,1%, o peso médio foi de 75,5Kg (DP 17,2), idade
média foi de 25,6 anos (DP 7,3), ganho de peso médio foi de 5,2Kg (DP 7,6), a idade
média quando começou a trabalhar foi de 21,1 anos (DP 5,2), o tempo de serviço
médio foi de 15,3 meses (DP 16,0) e o tempo de exercício da função foi de 8,8
meses (DP 8,3). Conclusão: Conclui-se neste estudo a predominância da
população masculina, solteira, com excesso de peso, escolaridade média, idade
jovem, com grande variação de permanência de tempo no serviço. O excesso de
peso sugere a alta disponibilidade alimentos durante o período de trabalho. É um
serviço caracterizado por longos períodos em pé, com alta temperatura, com
excesso de ruído, de movimentos repetitivos, de carregamento de peso e de
movimentos repetitivos aliados muitas vezes à pressão temporal.
Introduction: The Collective Meals Sector employs 210,000 employees (ABERC 2018) and ABRASEL - Brazilian Bars and Restaurants Association (2018) estimates that this sector is responsible for 6 million direct jobs, which is an area responsible for the entering the labor market. There are few studies, however, that trace the profile of these collaborators. Objective: The objective of the present study was to characterize the employees of Food and Nutrition Units. Methodology: A cross sectional, prevalence study was carried out with 104 employees of a commercial nutrition and nutrition unit, distributed in four different points in 2019, applying a structured questionnaire with sociodemographic, anthropometric data, working conditions, health and food. Results: The prevalent gender was male, represented by 67.3%, single civil status - 55.8% and the lowest prevalence was stable union - 1.0%. Regarding schooling, high school prevailed - 55.8% and the lowest was higher education with 16.4%. Regarding secondary education, the lowest was English, 42% had no other education and 32% were the sum of other types. There were no health problems - 97.1%, mean weight was 75.5 kg (SD 17.2), mean age was 25.6 years (SD 7.3), mean weight gain was 5, 2Kg (SD 7.6), mean age at work was 21.1 years (SD 5.2), mean service time was 15.3 months (SD 16.0), and exercise time of the function was 8.8 months (SD 8.3). Conclusion: In this study, the predominance of the male population, single, overweight, average schooling, young age, with a large variation of time in the service was concluded. Being overweight suggests high availability foods during the working period. It is a service characterized by long periods of standing, with high temperature, with excess of noise, repetitive movements, weight loading and repetitive movements allied often to the temporal pressure.
Introduction: The Collective Meals Sector employs 210,000 employees (ABERC 2018) and ABRASEL - Brazilian Bars and Restaurants Association (2018) estimates that this sector is responsible for 6 million direct jobs, which is an area responsible for the entering the labor market. There are few studies, however, that trace the profile of these collaborators. Objective: The objective of the present study was to characterize the employees of Food and Nutrition Units. Methodology: A cross sectional, prevalence study was carried out with 104 employees of a commercial nutrition and nutrition unit, distributed in four different points in 2019, applying a structured questionnaire with sociodemographic, anthropometric data, working conditions, health and food. Results: The prevalent gender was male, represented by 67.3%, single civil status - 55.8% and the lowest prevalence was stable union - 1.0%. Regarding schooling, high school prevailed - 55.8% and the lowest was higher education with 16.4%. Regarding secondary education, the lowest was English, 42% had no other education and 32% were the sum of other types. There were no health problems - 97.1%, mean weight was 75.5 kg (SD 17.2), mean age was 25.6 years (SD 7.3), mean weight gain was 5, 2Kg (SD 7.6), mean age at work was 21.1 years (SD 5.2), mean service time was 15.3 months (SD 16.0), and exercise time of the function was 8.8 months (SD 8.3). Conclusion: In this study, the predominance of the male population, single, overweight, average schooling, young age, with a large variation of time in the service was concluded. Being overweight suggests high availability foods during the working period. It is a service characterized by long periods of standing, with high temperature, with excess of noise, repetitive movements, weight loading and repetitive movements allied often to the temporal pressure.
UAN , colaboradores , caracterização , contributors , description