A doutrina da suficiência das Escrituras e sua relevância para a prática do aconselhamento pastoral
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Dias, Raimundo Heliomar Lima
Ximenes, Victor Alexandre Nascimento
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Vivemos em um contexto altamente relativista no que diz respeito às verdades de Deus expressas em Sua santa Palavra. Muitos são os que questionam a autenticidade dos preceitos bíblicos, sobretudo em um mundo pós-moderno que há muito se esqueceu de um Deus absoluto, verdadeiro e o único que pode dar esperança ao desesperançado. A igreja tem enfrentado grandes problemas com esta sociedade pós-moderna. Há pastores que já não veem mais as Sagradas Escrituras como único manual capaz de trazer não somente luz, mas também, solução para os mais variados dilemas da humanidade. A Confissão de Fé de Westminster, no primeiro capítulo, na VI seção, baseada em 2 Timóteo 3.15-17 diz que: “Todo o conselho de Deus concernente a todas as coisas necessárias para a glória dele e para a salvação, fé e vida do homem, ou é expressamente declarado na Escritura ou pode ser lógica e claramente deduzida dela”.1 No intuito de oferecer uma reflexão clara sobre o assunto, levando em consideração as várias correntes teológicas, todavia, norteados pela teologia reformada, este trabalho abordará a questão da Suficiência das Escrituras e refletirá sobre a sua relevância na prática do aconselhamento pastoral partindo de uma exposição lacônica do desenvolvimento da história da doutrina da suficiência, para em seguida enfocar nos diversos aspectos teológicos de observação e suas implicações na vida ministerial do pastor.
We live in a highly relativistic context when it comes to the truths of God expressed in His holy Word. Many are those who question the authenticity of biblical precepts, especially in a postmodern world that has long forgotten about an absolute, true God and the only one who can give hope to the hopeless. The church has faced major problems with this postmodern society. There are pastors who no longer see the Holy Scriptures as the only manual capable of bringing not only light, but also a solution to the most varied dilemmas of humanity. The Westminster Confession of Faith, in the first chapter, in the VI section, based on 2 Timothy 3.15-17 says that: “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his glory, and for the salvation, faith and life of man, is either expressly stated in Scripture, or can be logically and clearly deduced from it.” In order to offer a clear reflection on the subject, taking into account the various theological currents, however, guided by Reformed theology, this work will address the issue of the Sufficiency of Scripture and reflect on its relevance in the practice of pastoral counseling starting from an exposition laconic development of the history of the doctrine of sufficiency, to then focus on the various theological aspects of observation and their implications for the ministerial life of the pastor.
We live in a highly relativistic context when it comes to the truths of God expressed in His holy Word. Many are those who question the authenticity of biblical precepts, especially in a postmodern world that has long forgotten about an absolute, true God and the only one who can give hope to the hopeless. The church has faced major problems with this postmodern society. There are pastors who no longer see the Holy Scriptures as the only manual capable of bringing not only light, but also a solution to the most varied dilemmas of humanity. The Westminster Confession of Faith, in the first chapter, in the VI section, based on 2 Timothy 3.15-17 says that: “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his glory, and for the salvation, faith and life of man, is either expressly stated in Scripture, or can be logically and clearly deduced from it.” In order to offer a clear reflection on the subject, taking into account the various theological currents, however, guided by Reformed theology, this work will address the issue of the Sufficiency of Scripture and reflect on its relevance in the practice of pastoral counseling starting from an exposition laconic development of the history of the doctrine of sufficiency, to then focus on the various theological aspects of observation and their implications for the ministerial life of the pastor.
suficiência das escrituras , confissão de fé , aconselhamento bíblico , Jay Adams , sufficiency of scripture , confession of faith , biblical counseling , Jay Adams