A cultura do bate-volta no surf
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Scharlack, Lucas Galante
Nascimento, Manoel
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O presente relatório dá embasamento ao documentário A cultura do bate-volta no surf produto audiovisual que acompanhou a rotina de surfistas que moram na capital de São Paulo e tem como hobbie o surf. Nesse filme foi mostrado quais são as dificuldades para que esse esporte seja práticado mesmo não morando perto de uma praia, colocando em pauta a descontrução de que é algo muito difícil de ser feito, tanto financeiramente quanto a disposição que precisa ter, mostrando que o prós ultrapassam todos os contras. Utilizando o formato de um documentário participativo, passei minha visão e experiência incentivando os telespectadores a aderirem esse estilo de vida, expondo quanto gastam para que esse costume seja realizado, imagens do nascer do sol e a satisfação de quem o realiza.
The present report is the basis for the documentary The culture of the beating-back in Surf Audiovisual product that accompanies a routine of surfers who live in the capital of São Paulo and have surfing as a hobby. In this film it was defined what are the difficulties for this sport to be practiced even if it does not live near a beach, putting in pause the deconstruction that it is something very difficult to be done, both financially and the disposition it needs to have, showing that the good things surpass all cons. Using the format of a participatory documentary, I spent my vision and experience encouraging viewers to adhere this lifestyle, exposing spending for this costume to be made, images are born from the sun and the satisfaction of those who make it.
The present report is the basis for the documentary The culture of the beating-back in Surf Audiovisual product that accompanies a routine of surfers who live in the capital of São Paulo and have surfing as a hobby. In this film it was defined what are the difficulties for this sport to be practiced even if it does not live near a beach, putting in pause the deconstruction that it is something very difficult to be done, both financially and the disposition it needs to have, showing that the good things surpass all cons. Using the format of a participatory documentary, I spent my vision and experience encouraging viewers to adhere this lifestyle, exposing spending for this costume to be made, images are born from the sun and the satisfaction of those who make it.
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surfistas , praias , jornalismo , documentário-parcipativo , surfers , beaches , bumpback , journalism , documentary-parcipative