Bairros planejados contemporâneos: sustentabilidade e inovação tecnológicas

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Muniz, Gabrielle Veroneze Mendes
Somekh, Nadia
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Souza, Carlos Leite de
Meyer, João Fernando Pires
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
The growth of metropolises around the world has caused problems recognized as insufficient infrastructure, lack of public transport accessible to the entire population, significant flow of vehicles, lack of ecological areas and leisure, environmental degradation, changes and monofunctional and dispersed territories. Inserted in this context, in recent decades, cities have begun to go through unbridled urban expansion processes, with contemporary models of urbanization and town development, reinforcing the practices of a fully expanding marketplace, the real estate market. This extensive research critically discuss the creation of these projects in peripherical and dispersed areas, which have consolidated an unsustainable pattern for urban tissue and morphology, causing social, economic and environmental damage. In the search for urbanism with answers to a sustainable and intelligent development on a local scale, in the mid-1980s in Europe and the USA, models and concepts of contemporary urbanism begin emerging, guided by the discussion of compact cities and trends like New Urbanism, Smart Growth,"Eco neighborhoods" and more recently Smart Cities.Held by the discourse of sustainabilty and innovative fields some of the principles are denserment, political diversity of usa ges and incomes, job creation, socialmobility valorization of communal spaces and ecological areas, efficiency in the use of natural resources, seeks to promote quality of life, collaborative and creative processes and use of information and communication technologies. Carefully considering the political importance of a critic al review on the adequacy of the adoption of these approaches of city design and planning in our country, this research aims to identify and characterize these contem porary concepts and discourses in productions urban real estate agents like Masdar City, Songdo, Quaysideand Brazilian experiences like Pedra Branca, Villa Flora, CSul Nova Lima, Complexo Convida Suape, Smart City Laguna, Reserva Raposo and Granja Marileusa.
bairros planejados , cidades inteligentes , crescimento inteligente , desenvolvimento sustentável , produção imobiliária urbana
Assuntos Scopus
MUNIZ, Gabrielle Veroneze Mendes. Bairros planejados contemporâneos: sustentabilidade e inovação tecnológicas. 2020. 149 f. Dissertação (Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.