A importância da qualidade no gerenciamento de projetos
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Rodrigues, Marta Angélica
Nunes, Élida Jacomini
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Membros da banca
O cenário atual do mercado está bastante competitivo, isso fez com que as organizações em geral buscassem diferenciais competitivos. A qualidade de produtos e serviços tem papel importante nesse cenário, e as organizações sabem disso, por esse motivo têm se preocupado em investir em ações de melhoria de processos executados na empresa ou em produtos e serviços fornecidos em busca de maior qualidade, porém muitas dessas ações não seriam necessárias se as empresas possuíssem uma gestão de projetos com foco em qualidade mais eficientes. Esse estudo visa, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso, elucidar a importância de se ter um processo de gestão continua da qualidade nas instituições financeiras, durante a execução de projetos de forma a aumentar sua eficiência e reduzir os impactos negativos causado pelas falhas. Sua finalidade é explorar a efeito do gerenciamento de qualidade moderno nas instituições financeiras com foco na satisfação do cliente, melhoria contínua e prevenção evitando assim retrabalho, custos adicionais e impacto no cliente.
The current scenario of the market is very competitive, this has meant that organizations generally seek competitive advantages. The quality of products and services has an important role in this scenario, and organizations know that, for this reason have been keen to invest in actions to improve processes within the company or products and services in search of better quality, but many of these actions would not be necessary if companies have a project management with a focus on quality more efficient. This study aimed and case study, by means of literature, to elucidate the importance of having a continuing process of quality management in financial institutions during the implementation of projects to increase efficiency and reduce the negative impacts caused by failure. Its purpose is to explore the effect of quality management in modern financial institutions with a focus on customer satisfaction, continuous improvement and prevention avoiding rework, costs and customer impact.
The current scenario of the market is very competitive, this has meant that organizations generally seek competitive advantages. The quality of products and services has an important role in this scenario, and organizations know that, for this reason have been keen to invest in actions to improve processes within the company or products and services in search of better quality, but many of these actions would not be necessary if companies have a project management with a focus on quality more efficient. This study aimed and case study, by means of literature, to elucidate the importance of having a continuing process of quality management in financial institutions during the implementation of projects to increase efficiency and reduce the negative impacts caused by failure. Its purpose is to explore the effect of quality management in modern financial institutions with a focus on customer satisfaction, continuous improvement and prevention avoiding rework, costs and customer impact.
Qualidade , Instituições financeiras , Cliente , Gestão de projetos