A privação de liberdade dos estrangeiros em processo de expulsão
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Ramos, Cristiane Ferreira Gomes
Bechara, Fábio Ramazzini
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Giannattasio, Arthur Roberto Capella
Arantes Filho, Marcio Geraldo Britto
Arantes Filho, Marcio Geraldo Britto
Direito Político e Econômico
The present study aims to analyze if the prisão is the unique possibility for the foreigners that await the expulsion or if other measures could be adopted. The deprivation of liberty of the individual is extreme measure that is justified only as a last alternative. Thus, we will verify if the existing institutional actions are able to provide means for the foreigners to wait in liberty for the fulfillment of the expulsion and if the prolongation of the prison for expulsion may constitute undue aggravation of the criminal sanction. We will deal with the prison rights of foreigners in the process of expulsion at the international and constitutional level, as well as the relationship between prison for expulsion and the criminal procedure rules at the infraconstitutional level. Next, based on the concept of "delinquency" presented by Michel Foucault, we will examine the profile of the foreigners prisoners in Brazil, in order to prove possible interference of this quality in the decisions pronounced by the High Courts and in the actions of the Public Power. Finally, we will evaluate the expulsion procedure in Brazilian law, in relation to the problems presented and the context of “state of exception” (in the meaning used by Giorgio Agamben) in which it is inserted.
estrangeiros , expulsão , prisão , liberdade , delinquência , estado de exceção
Assuntos Scopus
RAMOS, Cristiane Ferreira Gomes. A privação de liberdade dos estrangeiros em processo de expulsão. 2017. 124 f. Dissertação (Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.