Aplicabilidade da mediação e da conciliação no metaverso: uma análise à luz da advocacia 5.0
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Mello, Jackeline Carter
Jorgeti, Lourdes Regina
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A mediação e a conciliação são formas de solução de conflitos na qual uma terceira pessoa, neutra e imparcial, facilita o diálogo entre as partes, para que elas construam, com autonomia e solidariedade, a melhor solução para o conflito, sendo que essas compõem os métodos adequados de solução de conflitos. As duas técnicas são norteadas por princípios como informalidade, simplicidade, economia processual, celeridade, oralidade e flexibilidade processual. Alinhada a esses métodos, a chegada da Advocacia 5.0, a qual tem como foco total o ser humano e suas necessidades, considerando a mentalidade do mundo digital, suas formas de geração de valor e resolução de problemas, reafirma a necessidade da utilização desses métodos, contrariando a mentalidade jurídica conservadora e tradicional (hierárquica, vertical, formalista e padronizada), de forma que se tem uma nova percepção, baseada em descentralização, diversidade, horizontalidade e sustentabilidade. Ainda, objetivando alcançar o foco no ser humano, suas necessidades e a utilização do mundo digital, o metaverso surge para propiciar a sensação de realidade, por meio de equipamentos físicos, como óculos de realidade aumentada, bem como avatares personalizados para que os usuários consigam interagir com o ambiente e com outras pessoas. Assim, a junção da transformação tecnologia e a necessidade dos seres humanos faz com que busquemos outras formas de aproximar pessoas e solucionar conflitos, oportunidade em que o metaverso mostra-se como um aliado para a advocacia.
Mediation and conciliation are forms of conflict resolution in which a neutral and impartial third person facilitates dialogue between the parties, so that they build, with autonomy and solidarity, the best solution to the conflict, and these make up the appropriate methods of conflict resolution. Both techniques are guided by principles such as informality, simplicity, procedural economy, celerity, orality and procedural flexibility. Aligned with these methods, the arrival of Advocacy 5.0, which is fully focused on the human being and their needs, considering the mentality of the digital world, its ways of generating value and solving problems, reaffirms the need to use these methods, contrary to the conservative and traditional legal mentality (hierarchical, vertical, formalistic and standardized), so that there is a new perception, based on decentralization, diversity, horizontality and sustainability. Still, aiming to focus on the human being, their needs and the use of the digital world, the metaverse appears to provide the sensation of reality, through physical equipment, such as augmented reality glasses, as well as personalized avatars so that users can interact with the environment and with other people. Thus, the combination of technology transformation and the need of human beings makes us look for other ways to bring people together and solve conflicts, an opportunity in which the metaverse shows itself as an ally for advocacy.
Mediation and conciliation are forms of conflict resolution in which a neutral and impartial third person facilitates dialogue between the parties, so that they build, with autonomy and solidarity, the best solution to the conflict, and these make up the appropriate methods of conflict resolution. Both techniques are guided by principles such as informality, simplicity, procedural economy, celerity, orality and procedural flexibility. Aligned with these methods, the arrival of Advocacy 5.0, which is fully focused on the human being and their needs, considering the mentality of the digital world, its ways of generating value and solving problems, reaffirms the need to use these methods, contrary to the conservative and traditional legal mentality (hierarchical, vertical, formalistic and standardized), so that there is a new perception, based on decentralization, diversity, horizontality and sustainability. Still, aiming to focus on the human being, their needs and the use of the digital world, the metaverse appears to provide the sensation of reality, through physical equipment, such as augmented reality glasses, as well as personalized avatars so that users can interact with the environment and with other people. Thus, the combination of technology transformation and the need of human beings makes us look for other ways to bring people together and solve conflicts, an opportunity in which the metaverse shows itself as an ally for advocacy.
mediação , conciliação , metaverso , mediation , conciliation , metaverse