(Novos) desafios no combate à corrupção no Brasil: a ausência de coordenação institucional para a celebração de acordos de leniência
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Zambo, Isabella Sorroche
Messa, Ana Flávia
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A presente monografia possui como objetivo a condução de uma análise acerca da importância
do acordo de leniência anticorrupção no contexto do combate à corrupção no Brasil e, a despeito
de referida importância, como a atual descoordenação institucional entre os órgãos legitimados
a celebrá-lo pode configurar um novo desafio para a efetiva repressão da corrupção no país.
Para tanto, empregou-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, a qual se deu por meio da
coleta de dados em periódicos científicos, artigos, teses e livros. A análise se iniciará com uma
exposição acerca dos principais aspectos da corrupção propriamente dita e seu histórico de
repressão no Brasil – incluindo a promulgação da Lei Anticorrupção e a deflagração da
Operação Lava Jato, dois importantes marcos anticorrupção do país. De forma subsequente,
serão analisados os principais aspectos legais do acordo de leniência anticorrupção e a
multiplicidade de órgãos legitimados a apurar atos ilícitos praticados por pessoas jurídicas. O
intuito é explicar como estes órgãos, ao atuarem de forma descoordenada na esfera de suas
competências fiscalizatórias e sancionatórias, podem prejudicar as empresas lenientes
gratificadas com benefícios legais previstos nos acordos de leniência por elas celebrados – o
que será demonstrado, inclusive, por meio de dois estudos de casos envolvendo algumas das
principais empresas lenientes investigadas no âmbito da Operação Lava Jato.
This paper aims to analyze the importance of the anticorruption leniency agreement within the fight against corruption in Brazil and, despite its importance, how the current uncoordinated institutional interaction between the agencies entitled to celebrate it may pose a new challenge to the effective repression of corruption in the country. For this purpose, a bibliographic review on the theme was carried out, through the collection of data from scientific journals, articles, dissertations and books. The analysis begins with a review of the main aspects of corruption itself and its history of repression in Brazil – including the enactment of the Anti-Corruption Law and the Operation Car Wash (Operação Lava Jato, in Portuguese), two important anticorruption milestones in the country. Subsequently, the main legal aspects of the anticorruption leniency agreement and the multiplicity of agencies empowered to investigate illicit acts committed by legal entities will be analyzed. The purpose is to explain how these agencies, by acting in an uncoordinated manner in the sphere of their supervisory and sanctioning powers, can harm lenient companies who were provided with legal benefits under the leniency agreements they signed – which will be demonstrated through two case studies involving some of the main lenient companies investigated within the scope of Operation Car Wash.
This paper aims to analyze the importance of the anticorruption leniency agreement within the fight against corruption in Brazil and, despite its importance, how the current uncoordinated institutional interaction between the agencies entitled to celebrate it may pose a new challenge to the effective repression of corruption in the country. For this purpose, a bibliographic review on the theme was carried out, through the collection of data from scientific journals, articles, dissertations and books. The analysis begins with a review of the main aspects of corruption itself and its history of repression in Brazil – including the enactment of the Anti-Corruption Law and the Operation Car Wash (Operação Lava Jato, in Portuguese), two important anticorruption milestones in the country. Subsequently, the main legal aspects of the anticorruption leniency agreement and the multiplicity of agencies empowered to investigate illicit acts committed by legal entities will be analyzed. The purpose is to explain how these agencies, by acting in an uncoordinated manner in the sphere of their supervisory and sanctioning powers, can harm lenient companies who were provided with legal benefits under the leniency agreements they signed – which will be demonstrated through two case studies involving some of the main lenient companies investigated within the scope of Operation Car Wash.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
lei nº 12.846/2013 , acordo de leniência , multiplicidade de órgãos , descoordenação institucional , law no. 12,846/2013 , leniency agreement , multiplicity of agencies , institutional uncoordination