A usucapião por abandono de lar e o retorno da discussão da culpa do direito de família
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Teixeira, Lisandra Maria Santo
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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Alguns regramentos são criados e introduzidos no sistema jurídico brasileiro visando tutelar
direitos sociais. Foi justamente essa a pretensão da usucapião especial urbana por abandono de
lar disciplinada pelo artigo 1.240-A do Código Civil de 2002, assegurar o direito social à
moradia, além do direito fundamental à propriedade e a observância da sua função social.
Ocorre que, juntamente com o advento dessa nova modalidade de usucapião, surgiram muitas
outras problemáticas sendo a principal delas a suposta reinserção do debate sobre a culpa no
término da sociedade conjugal, que já foi afastado em razão da abolição da separação judicial
pela Emenda Constitucional nº 66/2010. Apreende-se que tal circunstância representaria um
grande retrocesso para o direito brasileiro já que afeta pelo menos três diferentes ramos, como
o Direito de Família, Direito Processual Civil e Direito Constitucional. Para compreender
melhor o instituto da usucapião especial urbana por abandono de lar e as implicações que
resultaram dela, foram delineadas as particularidades dessa nova modalidade de usucapião,
elucidadas as questões sobre a culpa no âmbito do direito de família, bem como analisados o
surgimento da Emenda Constitucional nº 66/2010 e das alterações que trouxeram consigo. Ao
final, foram correlacionadas todas as informações fazendo uma análise sobre as discussões
entravadas sobre as possíveis inconstitucionalidades, tanto na criação da norma que regula a
usucapião por abandono de lar quanto pela volta da discussão da culpa, utilizando-se de uma
vasta pesquisa bibliográfica qualitativa em obras doutrinárias, artigos científicos, leis e
jurisprudências, sendo empregado o método hipotético-dedutivo partindo de uma premissa
geral em direção a outra mais específica. Depreendeu-se que as incertezas que giram em torno
da usucapião por abandono de lar são muitas, demonstrando ser um regramento defeituoso em
diversos aspectos que demandará debates cuidadosos para se chegar em um entendimento
Some rules are created and introduced in the Brazilian legal system aiming to protect social rights. That was the pretension of special urban appropriation for home’s abandonment regulated by article 1.240-A of the Civil Code of 2002, assuring the social right of housing, as well as the fundamental right of property and observance of its social role. It happens that, along with the advent of this new urban appropriation model, a bunch of other problems occurred, being the debate about the end of the marital society’s fault conjectural reinsertion the main one, which was already straggled due to the abolition of legal separation by Constitutional Amendment No. 66/2010. It is apprehended that such circumstance would represent a huge regression for Brazilian Law once it affects at least three different branches, such as the family law, civil procedural law, and constitutional law. In order to understand the institute of special urban appropriation for home’s abandonment and the implications of its outcomes, the particularities of this new urban appropriation model were delineated, the questions about family law range were clarified, and the emergence of Constitutional Amendment No. 66/2010 as well as the changes it brought were analyzed. Finally all the pieces of information were correlated analyzing the discussions about possible unconstitutionalities in both creation of urban appropriation for home’s abandonment regulation and the regress of fault’s discussion, based on wide qualitative bibliographic research such as legal writings, scientific papers, laws and jurisprudences, considering the hypothetic-deductive method starting from a general premise to a more specific one. It was surmised that the uncertainties around urban appropriation for home’s abandonment are wide, demonstrating a faulty regulation in different aspects those will demand careful debates to approach a well-established comprehension.
Some rules are created and introduced in the Brazilian legal system aiming to protect social rights. That was the pretension of special urban appropriation for home’s abandonment regulated by article 1.240-A of the Civil Code of 2002, assuring the social right of housing, as well as the fundamental right of property and observance of its social role. It happens that, along with the advent of this new urban appropriation model, a bunch of other problems occurred, being the debate about the end of the marital society’s fault conjectural reinsertion the main one, which was already straggled due to the abolition of legal separation by Constitutional Amendment No. 66/2010. It is apprehended that such circumstance would represent a huge regression for Brazilian Law once it affects at least three different branches, such as the family law, civil procedural law, and constitutional law. In order to understand the institute of special urban appropriation for home’s abandonment and the implications of its outcomes, the particularities of this new urban appropriation model were delineated, the questions about family law range were clarified, and the emergence of Constitutional Amendment No. 66/2010 as well as the changes it brought were analyzed. Finally all the pieces of information were correlated analyzing the discussions about possible unconstitutionalities in both creation of urban appropriation for home’s abandonment regulation and the regress of fault’s discussion, based on wide qualitative bibliographic research such as legal writings, scientific papers, laws and jurisprudences, considering the hypothetic-deductive method starting from a general premise to a more specific one. It was surmised that the uncertainties around urban appropriation for home’s abandonment are wide, demonstrating a faulty regulation in different aspects those will demand careful debates to approach a well-established comprehension.
usucapião , abandono do lar , emenda constitucional n. 66/2010 , urban appropriation , home’s abandonment , constitutional amendment n. 66/2010