Desenvolvimento (cultural), criatividade e dependência na periferia do capitalismo: a experiência no cinema novo no Brasil
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Carvalho, Amanda Salgado e
Salgado, Rodrigo Oliveira
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O estudo do direito a cultura é predominantemente explorado no debate de políticas públicas e no papel do Estado de garantia, valorização e difusão do direito às manifestações culturais. No entanto, a pasta cultural vem perdendo sua importância, sendo caracterizada como secundária ou pouco relacionada ao projeto nacional de desenvolvimento. Sendo assim, este trabalho apresenta a retomada do debate da importância da cultura no desenvolvimento brasileiro, revelando que a reflexão sobre ela deve ser o ponto de partida para pensarmos sobre as opções de desenvolvimento. A cultura brasileira é aqui analisada através dos estudos de Celso Furtado do processo de dependência econômica e criativa, derivados da difusão da civilização industrial no mundo. Coligado a outros fatores aqui analisados, estudamos como a cultura popular brasileira foi gradativamente desintegrada, tornando-se uma cultura de massas uniformizadora de gostos, formal e materialmente condicionada aos padrões estéticos e de vida dos países centrais. Exploramos, em um primeiro momento, como o movimento político e cultural do cinema novo contribuiu ao pensamento brasileiro, através de uma estética e conteúdo nacionais que objetivaram a superação de nossa condição de subdesenvolvimento, revelando nossas próprias necessidades e características. Como cultura em um fim em si mesma, o cinema novo fez-se de seu potencial criativo endógeno para romper com a dependência que nos condiciona a meros consumidores de padrões de vida externos. Desse modo, evidenciou a relevância do papel da cultura e consequente urgência do Estado em garanti-la e difundi-la.
The study of the culture rights is predominantly exploited inside the public policy debate and the role of the State guarantee, appreciation and dissemination the right to cultural events. However, the importance of culture is being lost, characterized as secondary or less related to a Developing National Project. Thus, this paper presents the resumption of the debate about the importance of culture in Brazilian development, revealing that reflection on Brazilian culture should be the starting point for thinking about development options. The Brazilian culture will be analyzed here through the studies of Celso Furtado about the process of economic and creative dependence, derived from the diffusion of the industrial civilization in the world. Related to other factors analyzed here, we will study how Brazilian popular culture has gradually been disintegrated, to become a mass culture that unifies tastes, formally and materially conditioned to the aesthetic and living standards of the central countries. We explored, at first, how the political and cultural movement of new cinema contributed to Brazilian thought, through a national aesthetic and content that aimed at overcoming our condition of underdevelopment, revealing our own needs and characteristics. As culture in an end in itself, the new cinema was made of its endogenous creative potential, to break with the cultural dependence that conditions us mere consumers of external living standards. It highlighted the relevance of the role of culture and the consequent urgency of the State to guarantee and disseminate it.
The study of the culture rights is predominantly exploited inside the public policy debate and the role of the State guarantee, appreciation and dissemination the right to cultural events. However, the importance of culture is being lost, characterized as secondary or less related to a Developing National Project. Thus, this paper presents the resumption of the debate about the importance of culture in Brazilian development, revealing that reflection on Brazilian culture should be the starting point for thinking about development options. The Brazilian culture will be analyzed here through the studies of Celso Furtado about the process of economic and creative dependence, derived from the diffusion of the industrial civilization in the world. Related to other factors analyzed here, we will study how Brazilian popular culture has gradually been disintegrated, to become a mass culture that unifies tastes, formally and materially conditioned to the aesthetic and living standards of the central countries. We explored, at first, how the political and cultural movement of new cinema contributed to Brazilian thought, through a national aesthetic and content that aimed at overcoming our condition of underdevelopment, revealing our own needs and characteristics. As culture in an end in itself, the new cinema was made of its endogenous creative potential, to break with the cultural dependence that conditions us mere consumers of external living standards. It highlighted the relevance of the role of culture and the consequent urgency of the State to guarantee and disseminate it.
Trabalho indicado ao Prêmio TCC 2019.
cultura , projeto nacional , subdesenvolvimento , dependência , capacidade criativa , culture , national project , underdevelopment , dependency , creative capacity